Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you think that Barack Obama would be safe if named president?

We as a country have come along way with reguard to race thanks in part to people like Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, Rosa Parks, T.D.Jakes, Al Sharpton, Etc. However, we still do not live in a color- blind society. There are plenty of crazy people out there and as you may know Mr. Obama has a wife and kids. Do you think that he and or his family may become the target of some mad-man because of the color of his skin. Mr. Obama himself said "as much as I think things have gotten better, I am mindful of this truth as well:better isn't good enough." Are there still people in this country who would rob the rest of us of this amazing person and this man who very well may improve the future of this country, because of pigment? What do you think?

Do you think that Barack Obama would be safe if named president?
can't you "look into the future" and see for yourself??????

Okay i'm not a racist i'm just simply stating what i have heard down here in my southern state.

So give me all the thumbs down you like, it's just simply what i've heard.

If Borack Hussein Obama makes president, he will be shot!

Unfortunatly, no we don't live in a color blind society but you know, from what i found out yesterday first hand, black peple can be just as nasty to white people for no reason.

I say this because i went to buy a puppy yesterday and it was a black family who were so inconsiderate and nasty it turned my stomach.

I know whites can be the same way, but just didn't understand why they would be so hateful toward me and my husband AND my kids when i wa spaying for this puppy.

I'm not ready for a female president either.

So i doubt either of them will get very far!
Reply:Yes, I do think there are people who would "rob the rest of us of this amazing person" because of his pigment. Though, every president has a high probability of being killed...just different reasons.
Reply:is any politician ever safe...? he may have some more domestic opponents because he is black. then again, will hilary have more because she is a woman....? I think it will depend on whoever is holding the gun.
Reply:I have always had this feeling that America is to biggot to have anyone who is not pale president. i wish Obama all the best


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