Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why are people so ignorant about Bush and Iraq ?

Ok, Yahoo Answers, the news, and people in general have really pissed me off. A little about me….. I am about 4 generations deep in servicemen. Me, my dad, grandfather, great, and who knows from there. I have my wartime service ribbon from Desert Storm in 1991, where I served in the United States Army. I am very proud to have served for my country, and I am very patriotic. With that said, the continuous wave of crap that I hear on a daily basis has just gotten under my skin. Maybe the anniversary of 9-11 less than 24 hours away has something to do with it. Lets start with President Bush. I think in light of the challenges he has been faced with he has done a good job. When people say we have been at war for no reason, it just brings light to the point…. most people who do not support our president have NO clue what they are talking about. Here is a project for you, do a search of gas prices in the rest of the world and let me know what you come up with..... I am sure you will be happy to pay your $2.50 a gallon once you know what you are talkin about. “Bring the troops home. They are over there dying for no reason” This really pisses me off. Have you ever thought the troops WANT TO BE THERE! AND THEY ARE DAMN PROUD OF THE JOB THEY ARE DOING???? And to hear some people say bring them home, and dying for no reason is a huge smack in the face. Weapons of mass destruction HAVE been found on 2 separate dates, for one. Iraq is a hub for terrorist groups including Al Qieda. Also the Iraqi people deserve the same freedoms we enjoy. It is all fun and games until your loved one gets killed in the next terrorist attack on American soil. I bet you will be the first one to squeal….. how could you have let this happen Mr. President.!!!! And I will tell you how he got 2 terms as president, uneducated people like you are sittin naked on their beanbag eating cheetos on election day....THANK GOD! If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. (like hell?) We are happy with our country and have no desire to change, and we really don't care what you think of Iraq, President Bush, Osama, my Momma, or whatever. This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so! But once you are done complaining........ whining...... and griping....... about our flag....... our pledge...... our national motto........or our way of life....I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other Great American Freedom.......THE RIGHT TO LEAVE. Can I get a Hell Yea!

Why are people so ignorant about Bush and Iraq ?
Very good. I find now a days that people want only what is easy. plus they let their t.v. do all their thinking for them. IF the govt. is doing everything wrong, then way haven't there been anymore attacks on our land? People in this country are so easy to forget and so easy to complain. I hope we don't just cut and run, what good will that have done for all the brave solders that have died? WE are unfortunately our own worst enemies
Reply:Wow you wrote a lot!
Reply:Hell YEAH! You ROCK! You're going to get some flack for this...but not from me. Thank you for your service, you said everything I've been thinking. Thank you.
Reply:Because they do not take the time to understand, they let the media think for them!
Reply:Oh Hell Yea!!!!

USAF Veteran
Reply:I was going to answer your question...but your rant answered it for me.

Reply:So people who have a different opinion to you are ignorant? That's a rather ignorant remark really, let's all revel in the irony.
Reply:HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... thankyou for your valiant service..i served in the nam...if i was young enough i would serve this great nation again....i wish all Americans felt as you do...but sadly...they do not.
Reply:Good rant. I don't agree with most of it because of all the fallacies, but whatever.

I would have much preferred if you broke it up into paragraphs so it wouldn't be such a headache to read.
Reply:Thanks for everything you've done for the country! I have a friend who's sister is over there and she says it really bothers her that they are doing so much good, like building schools, and all the media ever shows is the bad stuff. I agree with you totally. You aren't going to make any headway with these people, though. They really on things like "Loose Change" and Michael Moore for information.
Reply:I stopped reading as soon as you said you thought Bush was doing a good job...

Btw, I am ex-military also and a vet of Desert Storm.
Reply:Hell yea and as a former Marine you are 100% right!!!!

Keep preaching it brother and God Bless America!!!!!!
Reply:my dear patriotic friend, I took your advice about 20 years ago, I left
Reply:OK look, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion just like everyone else is, but you should be a little more open to other people's suggestions instead of screaming at them.

You point out that our lower gas prices are a good justification for war. First off, other countries gas prices are high because their government deliberately tax them so that they can make the move to better fuel sources. And are you saying the killing innocent human life is justifiable by lower prices at the pump?

Over 100,000 Iraqis have died so far. And these are innocent people like you and me who just had the misfortune of being born in a country that the US didn't like.

And as for terrorism, there were NO Iraqis involved in the 9/11 plots. But the vast majority of the terrorists were Saudis. But why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia? Because they are our number 1 supplier in oil, never mind the fact that their human rights violations were consistently ranked higher than Iraq's.

It pays to keep an open mind.
Reply:Hell ya! and thank you.
Reply:From A Viet Nam Vet.. HellYea!!! You said it all my friend!
Reply:First up, if weapons of mass destruction have been found, why was it not reported in the news? Don't blame the 'liberal media' for this- it's a big enough story that the media around the world would report it. Instead we still hear how no such weapons have ever been found- Maybe you can provide us with links to such a big story?

I agree that removing Saddam from power was the right thing to do but it's because of the mishandling of post-war Iraq that Iraq has become a hot-bed of terrorism. It's no co-incidence that British-held areas such as Basara have been relatively quiet compared to Baghdad. It's recently been proven that Saddam had no links to Al-Queda, as he didn't trust bin Laden- Bush's case for war has been compromised.
Reply:yes, when more people realize that not going into IRAQ %26amp; AFGAN guarantees more problems down the road..

(INCLUDING NUCLEAR, though not necessarily IRAQ), maybe they will open their eyes and relize why its wrong to call our soldiers 'Stormtroopers' %26amp; the president 'hitler' or hitler-like.

Either 'calling' is wrong people.

Those of you using the hitler comparisons need to move out, u have already proven yourself to be not only anti-american but definately prefering nuclear or 'end of rights' end to USA.
Reply:TOOOOOOOO long to read. But I saw this "It's our country" thing. Dude, this is an international site, not only for Americans, so speak generally.
Reply:i dont think they are,bush started that war,for oil.why are you taking up for him,that jackass doesnt give a rats *** for the service people,that have been killed over there or their families.
Reply:You do realize that Saddam had NO TIES TO AL QAEDA!? The invasion of Iraq had legal basis. But not for WMDs. And speaking of which, you do realize that the White House came out and said that the WMDs found so far were either already accounted for or not what we went in for.

I just got back from the middle east were we supported the troops on the ground. Nearly all of us that got to see the big picture realize that Iraq was draining resources and money from Afghanistan.

I know of several persons who worked on the 9/11 investigation and who walked away when their conclusions were changed. My friend walked out after 15 years in the intel community. A Captain I worked for turned in his resignation rather than accept the promotion to Rear Admiral Lower Half.

The only ones who should leave our the ones that blindly follow our government.
Reply:The President was briefed by those in the intelligence communities that Iraq DID NOT (emphasis only) have WMD's, but the administration censored those reports and presented the revised editions to congress to go to war. These were clear indications of preconceived notions to go to war.

Google The New American Century and see for yourself. The very underpinnings of the war in Iraq can be viewed there. Also the political implication(s) are for the next century,per se, include but not limited to, the next 12 administrations following the same course. Yikes!

The Bush Administration(s) and its predecessors have begun steps towards global domination and have laid out a plan on how to accomplish that goal. We are shifting from a democratic state to one of imperialism/colonialism. It is usually given a new slant, ‘we are giving them free markets and enterprise.’ Translation: ‘We want our businesses to get rich in your country’.

Furthermore, our country went to war with Iraq expecting then to have WMD. We didn't find any. Then the administration changed their reason for war. Most recently, a recent committee did not find ANY Al-Qaeda to Saddam Hussein links. WE BOMBED THE WRONG COUNTRY! This has set a precedent regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons/uranium enrichment. Other countries are saying, "The US will attack if we have WMD's or not, better we have them."

Iran will not back down with its program. Why should they? We've invaded their neighbor. China is watching with great interest and Pakistan, Syria, North Korea, and other countries will increase their efforts in their nuclear programs.

The potential for world war is increasing due to our war machine, its supportive military industrial complex, and the imperialistic/colonialism behaviors of our administration(s).
Reply:I'm ex-military and I support our troops 100%. I am against the war in Iraq and have been from day one. But that is my right as an American citizen. I am also against people who say that the troops are "dying for no reason". The military is doing it's job, plain %26amp; simple. If they die while doing that duty it is ALWAYS an honorable thing. People can support the troops and at the same time not support why they are there. That's what being American is all about.
Reply:I completely agree with you I think people should support our troops and president even if they don't agree with his actions.

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