Saturday, April 24, 2010

Do you believe racism is at an all-time high? If so, Who projects most of it?

I have read alot of people immature answers to simple questions such as "Would you let your daughter marry a black man?" Why do some caucasians feel superior to the blacks in america? Why are we judge by the color of our skin? etc. Give me an answer please. The reponses were ridiculous. I can't get over Mr. ku klux klan kool. He responed "give that monkey a banana." Just way out of control. And for the ones who might misinterped what I'm saying, this is not a racist question. I just want to know what you think and how you feel OKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

Do you believe racism is at an all-time high? If so, Who projects most of it?
I think racism is alive and well but is practiced more discretely and in a pc fashion. We see it in White flight (moving to neighborhoods without minority presence), we see it in private schools (to get away from minorities), we see it in Affirmative Action (if Blacks and Mexicans have problems "representing" then why the quotas and preferential hiring? Why don't we see similar quotas for jews and Orientals who do "represent" without needing reverse discrimination, oops I mean "help"?), and we even see it where a particular minority can use and call each other the "n-word" but anyone else uses it they claim to be able to use assault and violence to defend it (Is this not exclusionary? Is this not race based? Indians were treated poorly, Japanese "interned", Irish/Italians were openly discriminated at the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th century and what makes it ok for Blacks to insult the rest of us with "you don't understand" flippant remark? Sorry but every race has been a slave, what's their problem getting over it?). I think the difference between those who openly say their racist and ones who won't is a certain level of honesty, honor, and level of consequences that they pay for saying their true feelings.

Most of all I see people claiming "equality" when no one believes in any of it. Does anyone honestly believe Orientals (Asia has too many races to call them "Asians") would make better football players, basketball lineup, boxers, or athletes in general average over Blacks (if you want to talk physical difference height, limb lengths, mass, etc)? If you entered into an advanced scientific, mathematics, physics, Engineering (I'm biased, my field), chemistry, or mental fields do you really believe you'll find Blacks representing in mathematical ratios higher than Orientals (we hear the stereotype of Orientals being smart)? We see Whites representing in the these fields in fact they made the most impact in the world and most would consider them competitive but would not consider Blacks and Orientals competitive with one another in these opposite fields for good reason, the dearth of their presence in each one. Yet I'm the racist for pointing out such a truth yet no one will be able to pull any stats from any non-Black college, government, or poll to disprove my claim but go look at any sport team roster in America (a "diversity" country) and you won't see Orientals there in numbers equal to world population ratio or Blacks in Science/Engineering/Chemistry clubs in any non-Black college equaling 12% of membership.

Many will claim racism is based on ignorance, self esteem issues, or people who must prop themselves up by belittling others. I will post sources below to prove I'm not ignorant. I will point out that Blacks over represent in crime and two sources I point out will show in my first source they commit crime at three times or more than percentage of population, on my second link our government points out "Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males." yet with numbers backing me I'm the bigot for "profiling" when science backs it up (I can't find the source at this time but I also was about to post that most of people employed by the government are disproportionately in Black favor to prove the information on those sites are factual but then from this source you'll notice a higher disproportionate hiring of Blacks over their population representation but not removing the AA policy). Oh by the way my third source shows that Blacks need to belittle White inventions/inventors to prop their self esteem to make it seem they have contributed more to society they they really have, the fourth link is a site with references and resources to debunk such claims. If you claim all races are equal then it shows racism against Whites in favor of Blacks, all that believes in equality are the truly ignorant, suffer self esteem issues, and prop others thru belittling Whites.

I'm a biracial half White/Oriental, I came to America from liberal parents who didn't teach me any racial beliefs to bias my opinion, I kept an open mind, interacted with others, researched, and came to conclusions that most people know from common sense. Minorities have political action groups (naacp, adl, etc) but you don't see Whites with any similar groups (any group representing them are considered "hate" groups) so if anything Whites are scared to show racism because they get sued or business gets hit because of negative publicity (products get pulled from shelves, radio/tv won't air their commercials, etc). We've all heard non-Whites use slurs describing Whites in their presence but Whites don't do it in front of us because they know the consequences of being branded a "racist" in today's society. The real racists with the real power are not White in fact the darker you are the more power you wield, right now the most racist group of all are Blacks.

Want a demo? Take a few Whites into a Black neighborhood and hear them make racial cracks without one Black person chastising them about it. Take a small number of Blacks to a majority White area and most Whites are silent and if one makes a crack the other Whites will chastise them (mainly so they won't be branded a racist). I can give a lot of similar things but I really don't have too, we all know the truth but unfortunately most people don't know history, it will be repeated, and Whites have always won in disproportionate numbers against non-Whites. What will I do? Luckily for me I speak multiple languages, have a skill, and will vacate when the SHTF and White back-lash begins, it's not a matter of "if" it's simply a matter of "when" because many keep getting pushed in a corner (they keep getting blamed for racism when they aren't and these encounters are what really creates racism). We saw it happen to Blacks during the civil rights movement and we'll see it happen during civil rights two. The pendulum swings both ways but nevertheless cuts the same...
Reply:It's still high. Report It

Reply:Shut up,you stupid MONKEY. Report It

Reply:RACISTS project the most racism... not a race.
Reply:I dunno wuts up with that either. all these racist people on here. I dont know what makes any race think their better than anyone. Everybody has the same stuff [[heart, organs, exc]] and the stupid little comments are annoying. 2 me, race is nothing.
Reply:globalisation and an increasing world population mean that the chances of racist people having children who they brainwash with slurs increases.

ignorance breeds ignorance.
Reply:No I think systematic racism was probably a lot worse 50 or 100 years ago. It just seems worse now because the internet allows any total idiot to spew their racist opinions.
Reply:I don't know, there are always going to be some bigoted people of any race. But I see a lot more people of different ethnicity's being Friends, dating, even getting married now than I used to, We all have differences, but people may be relaxing a little bit more now, I like people who are mature and intelligent, and who don't act rudely, no matter what color their skin might be. I have Friends from several kinds of backgrounds. As long as they (people) treat me decently, that's How I will treat them.
Reply:I think that there are immature racists on here. But there are racists everwhere and in every color. Im against judging on ones skin color. I think that they are insecure with themselves so they take it out on others.
Reply:There is nothing new under the sun.I must say that the perfect example of when racism was at an all time high was slavery.I think people are becoming more vocal in the current times because although there is no more or less hate than there was then,oppression because of gender/ethnicity is at an all time low.It's not half as easy as it was way back when for Bigots to act out their hate.
Reply:I think the mentality of a racist is exactly like the one of say a sexist. Think about it. A man trying to keep a woman down is exactly the same as any race trying to keep another race down. It's not just a white/black thing. In Yugoslavia it was a Serb/Croatian thing. In Iraq its the Kurds versus the Sunnis or Shi-tes or whatever. It's always something. People suck. It's like tyranny, when it goes unchecked, it's going to take place. Even dogs, when you have 2 dogs, there is always one trying to control the other. I agree that people should know better, but when people feel threatened, they tend to behave just like animals.
Reply:is has been so for all time and shall be so until the creator says no more.Its brother against brother until they unite to find a common enemy then it is brother against brother against the other.Its so and will never end until the end..
Reply:Negroid behaviour is responsible for rayzizm.

It has absolutely nothing to do with skin color.

That is a typical, cheap cop-out.

Any person that has had multiple contacts

with negroids, and have experienced savage negroid

crime, knows exactly where I am coming from.

Racists are not born, racism is an acquired

state of mind through experience and reality.

Dark Manifest is a perfect example. He made my point.
Reply:I think "racists" - some of them are just trying to get a rise - online tend to be a bunch of cowards who wouldn't dare speak some of the stuff they do in real life to someone of another race, since they don't want to get punched in the face or run over by a car or anything.

The Internet: Where Consequences Never Involve Instant Bodily Harm! (Ain't It Great?)
Reply:Did you all know that negroes commit far more crimes against Whites than Whites do to negroes? So while you're offended by "rassism", I'm offended by the fact that negroes are only 12% of the American population yet commit over half of the violent crimes.
Reply:Racism may not be as violent as it has in the past, at least in america. However, it has taken on different forms and they are just as damaging. With the disapproving looks/stares, verbally insulting people you think are weaker or stupid in a way that they wonder after the fact if they were really being made fun of(a classic of sit-coms, not really that funny when you think about it), maybe rap music (they always seem to play victim and never seem to recover - rise above - because that would be selling out or something.), white skinned (I say white-skinned people because Europe seems to classify race by: russian, german, polish, french, italian etc. and of course by religion.......) people seem to harbor little racisms for some reason or another.

At the highschool I went to the black guys and the russian guys argued all the time and could never get along. I always tried to understand this. I mean what the heck could a black guy and a russian guy have to agrue about? Come on. Any way, one day I was sitting in the library alone when some of the russians came and sat at my table. They proceeded to speak rapid russian while I read my book or whatever. Troy a male friend who happened to be black came in the library that morning. He came fast as he saw me.....but slowed when he saw the russians sitting there. Then he stopped and glared at me. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to what I was doing. When all of a sudden the russians burst into laughter. You know, when I hear people laugh hysterically I usually cannot help myself and I start laughing. As the case with the russians. Troy left and hardly spoke to me after that day. The leader of the pack said something again in russian and the pack laughed....I laughed...they looked at me with questioned looks.....the leader of the pack asked, "Do you know russian?" I said no because I don't. Then he asked, "Why do you laugh then?" I said I'm having a laughing spell. Then I asked them, why do they fight with the black guys at school. They all looked at eachother and the leader said something in russian and they all left. I tried asking Troy but, he wouldn't say a word. It was weird and made no sense.

Heck I don't know I was watching Holocaust videos on YouTube and some of the uneducated comments were disgusting. The really sad and embarrassing part was you could tell who the racist americans were from the others. The terms one idiot posted made me realize that the Holocaust in Europe ended in 1945 while America was still racist against its own people for many years it is not as violent so it seems but it is still lingering about. It can and may flare up at any moment. Racism, it always seems to be on peoples minds every minute. Why is that?

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