Ok, Yahoo Answers, the news, and people in general have really pissed me off. A little about me….. I am about 4 generations deep in servicemen. Me, my dad, grandfather, great, and who knows from there. I have my wartime service ribbon from Desert Storm in 1991, where I served in the United States Army. I am very proud to have served for my country, and I am very patriotic. With that said, the continuous wave of crap that I hear on a daily basis has just gotten under my skin. Maybe the anniversary of 9-11 less than 24 hours away has something to do with it. Lets start with President Bush. I think in light of the challenges he has been faced with he has done a good job. When people say we have been at war for no reason, it just brings light to the point…. most people who do not support our president have NO clue what they are talking about. Here is a project for you, do a search of gas prices in the rest of the world and let me know what you come up with..... I am sure you will be happy to pay your $2.50 a gallon once you know what you are talkin about. “Bring the troops home. They are over there dying for no reason” This really pisses me off. Have you ever thought the troops WANT TO BE THERE! AND THEY ARE DAMN PROUD OF THE JOB THEY ARE DOING???? And to hear some people say bring them home, and dying for no reason is a huge smack in the face. Weapons of mass destruction HAVE been found on 2 separate dates, for one. Iraq is a hub for terrorist groups including Al Qieda. Also the Iraqi people deserve the same freedoms we enjoy. It is all fun and games until your loved one gets killed in the next terrorist attack on American soil. I bet you will be the first one to squeal….. how could you have let this happen Mr. President.!!!! And I will tell you how he got 2 terms as president, uneducated people like you are sittin naked on their beanbag eating cheetos on election day....THANK GOD! If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. (like hell?) We are happy with our country and have no desire to change, and we really don't care what you think of Iraq, President Bush, Osama, my Momma, or whatever. This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so! But once you are done complaining........ whining...... and griping....... about our flag....... our pledge...... our national motto........or our way of life....I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other Great American Freedom.......THE RIGHT TO LEAVE. Can I get a Hell Yea!
Why are people so ignorant about Bush and Iraq ?
Very good. I find now a days that people want only what is easy. plus they let their t.v. do all their thinking for them. IF the govt. is doing everything wrong, then way haven't there been anymore attacks on our land? People in this country are so easy to forget and so easy to complain. I hope we don't just cut and run, what good will that have done for all the brave solders that have died? WE are unfortunately our own worst enemies
Reply:Wow you wrote a lot!
Reply:Hell YEAH! You ROCK! You're going to get some flack for this...but not from me. Thank you for your service, you said everything I've been thinking. Thank you.
Reply:Because they do not take the time to understand, they let the media think for them!
Reply:Oh Hell Yea!!!!
USAF Veteran
Reply:I was going to answer your question...but your rant answered it for me.
Reply:So people who have a different opinion to you are ignorant? That's a rather ignorant remark really, let's all revel in the irony.
Reply:HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... thankyou for your valiant service..i served in the nam...if i was young enough i would serve this great nation again....i wish all Americans felt as you do...but sadly...they do not.
Reply:Good rant. I don't agree with most of it because of all the fallacies, but whatever.
I would have much preferred if you broke it up into paragraphs so it wouldn't be such a headache to read.
Reply:Thanks for everything you've done for the country! I have a friend who's sister is over there and she says it really bothers her that they are doing so much good, like building schools, and all the media ever shows is the bad stuff. I agree with you totally. You aren't going to make any headway with these people, though. They really on things like "Loose Change" and Michael Moore for information.
Reply:I stopped reading as soon as you said you thought Bush was doing a good job...
Btw, I am ex-military also and a vet of Desert Storm.
Reply:Hell yea and as a former Marine you are 100% right!!!!
Keep preaching it brother and God Bless America!!!!!!
Reply:my dear patriotic friend, I took your advice about 20 years ago, I left
Reply:OK look, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion just like everyone else is, but you should be a little more open to other people's suggestions instead of screaming at them.
You point out that our lower gas prices are a good justification for war. First off, other countries gas prices are high because their government deliberately tax them so that they can make the move to better fuel sources. And are you saying the killing innocent human life is justifiable by lower prices at the pump?
Over 100,000 Iraqis have died so far. And these are innocent people like you and me who just had the misfortune of being born in a country that the US didn't like.
And as for terrorism, there were NO Iraqis involved in the 9/11 plots. But the vast majority of the terrorists were Saudis. But why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia? Because they are our number 1 supplier in oil, never mind the fact that their human rights violations were consistently ranked higher than Iraq's.
It pays to keep an open mind.
Reply:Hell ya! and thank you.
Reply:From A Viet Nam Vet.. HellYea!!! You said it all my friend!
Reply:First up, if weapons of mass destruction have been found, why was it not reported in the news? Don't blame the 'liberal media' for this- it's a big enough story that the media around the world would report it. Instead we still hear how no such weapons have ever been found- Maybe you can provide us with links to such a big story?
I agree that removing Saddam from power was the right thing to do but it's because of the mishandling of post-war Iraq that Iraq has become a hot-bed of terrorism. It's no co-incidence that British-held areas such as Basara have been relatively quiet compared to Baghdad. It's recently been proven that Saddam had no links to Al-Queda, as he didn't trust bin Laden- Bush's case for war has been compromised.
Reply:yes, when more people realize that not going into IRAQ %26amp; AFGAN guarantees more problems down the road..
(INCLUDING NUCLEAR, though not necessarily IRAQ), maybe they will open their eyes and relize why its wrong to call our soldiers 'Stormtroopers' %26amp; the president 'hitler' or hitler-like.
Either 'calling' is wrong people.
Those of you using the hitler comparisons need to move out, u have already proven yourself to be not only anti-american but definately prefering nuclear or 'end of rights' end to USA.
Reply:TOOOOOOOO long to read. But I saw this "It's our country" thing. Dude, this is an international site, not only for Americans, so speak generally.
Reply:i dont think they are,bush started that war,for oil.why are you taking up for him,that jackass doesnt give a rats *** for the service people,that have been killed over there or their families.
Reply:You do realize that Saddam had NO TIES TO AL QAEDA!? The invasion of Iraq had legal basis. But not for WMDs. And speaking of which, you do realize that the White House came out and said that the WMDs found so far were either already accounted for or not what we went in for.
I just got back from the middle east were we supported the troops on the ground. Nearly all of us that got to see the big picture realize that Iraq was draining resources and money from Afghanistan.
I know of several persons who worked on the 9/11 investigation and who walked away when their conclusions were changed. My friend walked out after 15 years in the intel community. A Captain I worked for turned in his resignation rather than accept the promotion to Rear Admiral Lower Half.
The only ones who should leave our the ones that blindly follow our government.
Reply:The President was briefed by those in the intelligence communities that Iraq DID NOT (emphasis only) have WMD's, but the administration censored those reports and presented the revised editions to congress to go to war. These were clear indications of preconceived notions to go to war.
Google The New American Century and see for yourself. The very underpinnings of the war in Iraq can be viewed there. Also the political implication(s) are for the next century,per se, include but not limited to, the next 12 administrations following the same course. Yikes!
The Bush Administration(s) and its predecessors have begun steps towards global domination and have laid out a plan on how to accomplish that goal. We are shifting from a democratic state to one of imperialism/colonialism. It is usually given a new slant, ‘we are giving them free markets and enterprise.’ Translation: ‘We want our businesses to get rich in your country’.
Furthermore, our country went to war with Iraq expecting then to have WMD. We didn't find any. Then the administration changed their reason for war. Most recently, a recent committee did not find ANY Al-Qaeda to Saddam Hussein links. WE BOMBED THE WRONG COUNTRY! This has set a precedent regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons/uranium enrichment. Other countries are saying, "The US will attack if we have WMD's or not, better we have them."
Iran will not back down with its program. Why should they? We've invaded their neighbor. China is watching with great interest and Pakistan, Syria, North Korea, and other countries will increase their efforts in their nuclear programs.
The potential for world war is increasing due to our war machine, its supportive military industrial complex, and the imperialistic/colonialism behaviors of our administration(s).
Reply:I'm ex-military and I support our troops 100%. I am against the war in Iraq and have been from day one. But that is my right as an American citizen. I am also against people who say that the troops are "dying for no reason". The military is doing it's job, plain %26amp; simple. If they die while doing that duty it is ALWAYS an honorable thing. People can support the troops and at the same time not support why they are there. That's what being American is all about.
Reply:I completely agree with you I think people should support our troops and president even if they don't agree with his actions.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
What is your favourite Roald Dahl story?
Take your pick, kids' or adults', whatever!
For the record, I'm a big fan of Royal Jelly (not one to read while pregnant or breastfeeding), Skin and William and Mary. I'd love to remain with just a brain and an eyeball!
I also like Matilda and I used to *love* Fantastic Mr. Fox when I was little :-)
What is your favourite Roald Dahl story?
Hey hey Sunday Girl, how you been ? I really love the "Kiss Kiss" short stories book, read that when i was a kid, loved it. Especially the "Edward the Conqueror" story and "Parson's Pleasure". The story about Hitler "Genesis and Catastrophe: A True Story" is scary man !!! Was going to forget the Twits !
Reply:The Twits! - its magical!
Reply:I love the Witches. I thought the movie was brilliant too!
Reply:Charlie and the chocolate factory
and what is that one where you boy makes the medicine?????
Yeah and the Witches and Matilda.
Reply:I liked Maltida.
Reply:It's got to be 'James and the Giant Peach'
Reply:willy wonka
Reply:Matilda definitely
Reply:Boy is my favorite but the BFG and Witches were my favorites as a child.
Reply:Only available in limited edition print: Terry Tomatoe and the case of the cool cucumber
Reply:I like esio trot, shame he died really :(
Reply:Little red riding...'she whipped a pistol from her knickers' it's an entangled story with the three little pigs!
My kids loved that story....
Reply:I loved all of his books although I used to really like the poetry anthology of his that I had. I think it was called Revolting Rhymes or something like that.
Another favourite was The Witches.
i absolutely loveeeeeee george's marvelous medicine.
george's grandmother is absolutely hilairous and is pretty old and dumb...if you haven't read it...you should!!! it's great!!
o . x
and btw (althouugh very grusome) the BFG is great...and the main character had my name!! %26lt;33
Reply:switch b*tch
George's marvellous medicine
Reply:BFG The Big Friendly Giant. Especially the film. The part where they drink and start floating is so funny especially when they have to........Well you know!!!!!!!!
Reply:oohh fantastic mr fox makes me hungry! also the one where the wife kills her hubby and feeds him to the police
Reply:I love The Witches, for a long time I was wary of women in gloves!
Reply:'Tommy Chocolate and the Charlie factory, allllriight mannnn!
Reply:The twits,i always remember the bit in it were the man had cornflakes in his beard,i loved it as a kid...
Reply:Revolting Rhymes is about the funniest book EVER!! Filthy Beasts comes a very close second. Not stories as such but Dahl classics indeed!
Reply:I used to love the twit's. My 7 year old daughter is into his books now so i'm getting to read them all over again! did'nt know know he wrote for grown-ups though,i'll have to have a look for those.
Reply:ive always thought Roald Dahls books were good my favorite has to be the twits that was a hilarious story i also liked the witches and the film was good im a bit older now but if i had the books id read them i have willy wonka and the witches films though there brilliant
Reply:i like his book Boy, i think its his biography.
Reply:I didn't realise he wrote Royal Jelly! That was fantastic. Wasn't it Timothy West in that? I only know his kids books. I loved Charlie and the chocolate factory and the Twits.
Reply:SwitchBitch, and Henry Sugar.
Reply:Charlie and the chocolate factory, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, and Danny the Champion of the World
Reply:Every father needs to read 'Danny Champion of the World' to his son.
Reply:Matilda was my favorite book for the longest time. I must have read it a hundred times. When I was younger, I didn't realize the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a book, so when the remake came out, I finally read the book. It was great. The movie will always be my favorite but the remake falls short of the standard left by the first.
For the record, I'm a big fan of Royal Jelly (not one to read while pregnant or breastfeeding), Skin and William and Mary. I'd love to remain with just a brain and an eyeball!
I also like Matilda and I used to *love* Fantastic Mr. Fox when I was little :-)
What is your favourite Roald Dahl story?
Hey hey Sunday Girl, how you been ? I really love the "Kiss Kiss" short stories book, read that when i was a kid, loved it. Especially the "Edward the Conqueror" story and "Parson's Pleasure". The story about Hitler "Genesis and Catastrophe: A True Story" is scary man !!! Was going to forget the Twits !
Reply:The Twits! - its magical!
Reply:I love the Witches. I thought the movie was brilliant too!
Reply:Charlie and the chocolate factory
and what is that one where you boy makes the medicine?????
Yeah and the Witches and Matilda.
Reply:I liked Maltida.
Reply:It's got to be 'James and the Giant Peach'
Reply:willy wonka
Reply:Matilda definitely
Reply:Boy is my favorite but the BFG and Witches were my favorites as a child.
Reply:Only available in limited edition print: Terry Tomatoe and the case of the cool cucumber
Reply:I like esio trot, shame he died really :(
Reply:Little red riding...'she whipped a pistol from her knickers' it's an entangled story with the three little pigs!
My kids loved that story....
Reply:I loved all of his books although I used to really like the poetry anthology of his that I had. I think it was called Revolting Rhymes or something like that.
Another favourite was The Witches.
i absolutely loveeeeeee george's marvelous medicine.
george's grandmother is absolutely hilairous and is pretty old and dumb...if you haven't read it...you should!!! it's great!!
o . x
and btw (althouugh very grusome) the BFG is great...and the main character had my name!! %26lt;33
Reply:switch b*tch
George's marvellous medicine
Reply:BFG The Big Friendly Giant. Especially the film. The part where they drink and start floating is so funny especially when they have to........Well you know!!!!!!!!
Reply:oohh fantastic mr fox makes me hungry! also the one where the wife kills her hubby and feeds him to the police
Reply:I love The Witches, for a long time I was wary of women in gloves!
Reply:'Tommy Chocolate and the Charlie factory, allllriight mannnn!
Reply:The twits,i always remember the bit in it were the man had cornflakes in his beard,i loved it as a kid...
Reply:Revolting Rhymes is about the funniest book EVER!! Filthy Beasts comes a very close second. Not stories as such but Dahl classics indeed!
Reply:I used to love the twit's. My 7 year old daughter is into his books now so i'm getting to read them all over again! did'nt know know he wrote for grown-ups though,i'll have to have a look for those.
Reply:ive always thought Roald Dahls books were good my favorite has to be the twits that was a hilarious story i also liked the witches and the film was good im a bit older now but if i had the books id read them i have willy wonka and the witches films though there brilliant
Reply:i like his book Boy, i think its his biography.
Reply:I didn't realise he wrote Royal Jelly! That was fantastic. Wasn't it Timothy West in that? I only know his kids books. I loved Charlie and the chocolate factory and the Twits.
Reply:SwitchBitch, and Henry Sugar.
Reply:Charlie and the chocolate factory, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, and Danny the Champion of the World
Reply:Every father needs to read 'Danny Champion of the World' to his son.
Reply:Matilda was my favorite book for the longest time. I must have read it a hundred times. When I was younger, I didn't realize the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a book, so when the remake came out, I finally read the book. It was great. The movie will always be my favorite but the remake falls short of the standard left by the first.
Oh dear, before I start I would just like to say it's a joke and personally I love J.C he rocks,?
But, one day at the pearly gates St Peter noticed a dark old car pull up and out of it steps the deceased former leader of the nazi party, A.Hitler himself. St Peter is astounded at this obvious terrible mistake and starts frantically waving him away. "Stop" he says "I really do think you have come to the wrong place. It's a meeting with a Mr Satan that's scheduled for you" "No" says Adolph "I absolutely refuse to go down there, it plays havoc with my gingery skin colouring, and if you let me in I will give you the highest token of my esteem, this being the cherished iron cross" St Peter was mortified and called over to jesus, "Jesus, come here" said St Peter, "It's Adolph Hitler at the gates and he says if we let him in he'll give us this lovely shiney iron cross" Jesus takes the medal from St Peter and calls out to God, "Dad" and repeats the same story, to which God replies, "Son you had a wooden one and you couldnt carry that, what d'ya want an iron one for?"
Oh dear, before I start I would just like to say it's a joke and personally I love J.C he rocks,?
Yeah, why he require an iron one.. God is right! %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; here's one for you:
Matthew goes into a confessional box and says "Bless me father for I have sinned, I have been with a loose woman."
The Priest says "is that you Matthew?"
"Yes father, it is I."
"Who was the woman you were with?"
"I cannot tell you for I do not wish to sully her reputation."
The priest asks "Was it Brenda O'Malley?"
"No father."
"Was it Fiona MacDonald?"
"No father."
"Was it Ann Brown?"
"No father, I cannot tell you."
The priest says "I admire your perseverance but you must atone for your sins. Your penance will be five Our Fathers and four Hail Marys."
Matthew goes back to his pew and his buddy Sean slides over and asks "What did you get?" Matthew replies "I got five Our Fathers, four Hail Marys and three good leads."
Reply:I love J.c too, but that is funny.
Oh dear, before I start I would just like to say it's a joke and personally I love J.C he rocks,?
Yeah, why he require an iron one.. God is right! %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; here's one for you:
Matthew goes into a confessional box and says "Bless me father for I have sinned, I have been with a loose woman."
The Priest says "is that you Matthew?"
"Yes father, it is I."
"Who was the woman you were with?"
"I cannot tell you for I do not wish to sully her reputation."
The priest asks "Was it Brenda O'Malley?"
"No father."
"Was it Fiona MacDonald?"
"No father."
"Was it Ann Brown?"
"No father, I cannot tell you."
The priest says "I admire your perseverance but you must atone for your sins. Your penance will be five Our Fathers and four Hail Marys."
Matthew goes back to his pew and his buddy Sean slides over and asks "What did you get?" Matthew replies "I got five Our Fathers, four Hail Marys and three good leads."
Reply:I love J.c too, but that is funny.
101 Chuck Norris Facts?
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.
Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
Chuck Norris doesn?t wash his clothes, he disembowels them.
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a f***ing Indian.
In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.
Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over thePacific Ocean.
Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the f*** down.
Chuck Norris is ten feet tall, weighs two-tons, breathes fire, and could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing.
The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed miserably.
If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'till." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse-kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.
There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
Chuck Norris once ate three 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress.
Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.
Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out.
When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.
The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris' fist.
A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
Chuck Norris will attain statehood in 2009. His state flower will be the Magnolia.
Nagasaki never had a bomb dropped on it. Chuck Norris jumped out of a plane and punched the ground.
Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch."
The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodge ball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
Chuck Norris once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger, by yelling, "Bang!"
Chuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publicly claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer.
Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill.
Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris is the only human being to display the Heisenberg uncertainty principle -- you can never know both exactly where and how quickly he will roundhouse-kick you in the face.
Chuck Norris can drink an entire gallon of milk in forty-seven seconds.
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mother?s womb.
If you say Chuck Norris' name in Mongolia, the people there will roundhouse kick you in his honor. Their kick will be followed by the REAL roundhouse delivered by none other than Norris himself.
Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris discovered a new theory of relativity involving multiple universes in which Chuck Norris is even more badass than in this one. When it was discovered by Albert Einstein and made public, Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked him in the face. We know Albert Einstein today as Stephen Hawking.
The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.
Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Pluto is actually an orbiting group of British soldiers from the American Revolution who entered space after the Chuck gave them a roundhouse kick to the face.
When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket.
There are no weapons of mass destruction. Just Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once challenged Lance Armstrong in a "Who has more testicles?" contest. Chuck Norris won by 5.
Chuck Norris was the fourth wise man, who gave baby Jesus the gift of beard, which he carried with him until he died. The other three wise men were enraged by the preference that Jesus showed to Chuck's gift, and arranged to have him written out of the bible. All three died soon after of mysterious roundhouse-kick related injuries.
Chuck Norris sheds his skin twice a year.
When Chuck Norris calls 1-900 numbers, he doesn?t get charged. He holds up the phone and money falls out.
Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.
There are no races, only countries of people Chuck Norris has beaten to different shades of black and blue.
Chuck Norris can't finish a "color by numbers" because his markers are filled with the blood of his victims. Unfortunately, all blood is dark red.
A Chuck Norris-delivered Roundhouse Kick is the preferred method of execution in 16 states.
When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris's urine was the main ingredient for balco's designer steroids. Therefore, Chuck Norris is actually the all-time single-season home run king.
Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)
Chuck Norris? house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it won't be because he is gay. It will be because he has run out of women.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? ...All of it.
Chuck Norris doesn't actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.
In honor of Chuck Norris, all McDonald's in Texas have an even larger size than the super-size. When ordering, just ask to be "Norrisized".
Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes.
The grass is always greener on the other side, unless Chuck Norris has been there. In that case the grass is most likely soaked in blood and tears.
Newton's Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick.
Chuck Norris invented his own type of karate. It's called Chuck-Will-Kill.
When an episode of Walker Texas Ranger was aired in France, the French surrendered to Chuck Norris just to be on the safe side.
While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium.
Chuck Norris once sued the Houghton-Mifflin textbook company when it became apparent that their account of the war of 1812 was plagiarized from his autobiography.
When Steven Seagal kills a ninja, he only takes its hide. When Chuck Norris kills a ninja, he uses every part.
Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with more than 20,000 women in his lifetime. Chuck Norris calls this "a slow Tuesday."
Contrary to popular belief, there is indeed enough Chuck Norris to go around.
Chuck Norris doesn?t shave; he kicks himself in the face. The only thing that can cut Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris.
For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Chuck Norris, each testicle is larger than the other one.
When taking the SAT, write "Chuck Norris" for every answer. You will score a 1600.
Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.
When you're Chuck Norris, anything + anything is equal to 1. One roundhouse kick to the face.
Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
On his birthday, Chuck Norris randomly selects one lucky child to be thrown into the sun.
Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee. Except Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't throw up if he drinks too much. Chuck Norris throws down!
In the beginning there was nothing...then Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked that nothing in the face and said "Get a job". That is the story of the universe.
Chuck Norris has 12 moons. One of those moons is the Earth.
Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
Archeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined "victim" as "one who has encountered Chuck Norris"
Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his *** kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.
Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with Chuck Norris. there were no survivors and the pilot episode tape has been burned.
Chuck Norris brings the noise AND the funk.
You know how they say if you die in your dream then you will die in real life? In actuality, if you dream of death then Chuck Norris will find you and kill you.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
When Chuck Norris is in a crowded area, he doesn't walk around people. He walks through them
James Cameron wanted Chuck Norris to play the Terminator. However, upon reflection, he realized that would have turned his movie into a documentary, so he went with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother?s womb.
Chuck Norris can divide by zero
101 Chuck Norris Facts?
"the best part of waking up isn't Folgers in your cup!
the best part of waking up is know that you weren't killed by Chuck Norris in your sleep"
i almost peed a little, and my sides hurt.
but u get a million stars
and stop catching and strangling my Smurfs
Reply:Chuck Norris can list 102.
Reply:I first read these in some site, last month. think you're such a fan eh ......to type it here all of them. when i first read this facts about chuck norris, i laugh too. still.....i chuckle.
cannot LOL right now, my boss watching!! But I give you a star 4 typing it for us....chuckle...chuckle....my boss still watching.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.
Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
Chuck Norris doesn?t wash his clothes, he disembowels them.
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a f***ing Indian.
In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.
Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over thePacific Ocean.
Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the f*** down.
Chuck Norris is ten feet tall, weighs two-tons, breathes fire, and could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing.
The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed miserably.
If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'till." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse-kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.
There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
Chuck Norris once ate three 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress.
Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.
Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out.
When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.
The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris' fist.
A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
Chuck Norris will attain statehood in 2009. His state flower will be the Magnolia.
Nagasaki never had a bomb dropped on it. Chuck Norris jumped out of a plane and punched the ground.
Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch."
The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodge ball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
Chuck Norris once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger, by yelling, "Bang!"
Chuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publicly claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer.
Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill.
Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.
Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris is the only human being to display the Heisenberg uncertainty principle -- you can never know both exactly where and how quickly he will roundhouse-kick you in the face.
Chuck Norris can drink an entire gallon of milk in forty-seven seconds.
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mother?s womb.
If you say Chuck Norris' name in Mongolia, the people there will roundhouse kick you in his honor. Their kick will be followed by the REAL roundhouse delivered by none other than Norris himself.
Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris discovered a new theory of relativity involving multiple universes in which Chuck Norris is even more badass than in this one. When it was discovered by Albert Einstein and made public, Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked him in the face. We know Albert Einstein today as Stephen Hawking.
The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.
Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Pluto is actually an orbiting group of British soldiers from the American Revolution who entered space after the Chuck gave them a roundhouse kick to the face.
When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket.
There are no weapons of mass destruction. Just Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once challenged Lance Armstrong in a "Who has more testicles?" contest. Chuck Norris won by 5.
Chuck Norris was the fourth wise man, who gave baby Jesus the gift of beard, which he carried with him until he died. The other three wise men were enraged by the preference that Jesus showed to Chuck's gift, and arranged to have him written out of the bible. All three died soon after of mysterious roundhouse-kick related injuries.
Chuck Norris sheds his skin twice a year.
When Chuck Norris calls 1-900 numbers, he doesn?t get charged. He holds up the phone and money falls out.
Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.
There are no races, only countries of people Chuck Norris has beaten to different shades of black and blue.
Chuck Norris can't finish a "color by numbers" because his markers are filled with the blood of his victims. Unfortunately, all blood is dark red.
A Chuck Norris-delivered Roundhouse Kick is the preferred method of execution in 16 states.
When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris's urine was the main ingredient for balco's designer steroids. Therefore, Chuck Norris is actually the all-time single-season home run king.
Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)
Chuck Norris? house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it won't be because he is gay. It will be because he has run out of women.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? ...All of it.
Chuck Norris doesn't actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.
In honor of Chuck Norris, all McDonald's in Texas have an even larger size than the super-size. When ordering, just ask to be "Norrisized".
Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes.
The grass is always greener on the other side, unless Chuck Norris has been there. In that case the grass is most likely soaked in blood and tears.
Newton's Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick.
Chuck Norris invented his own type of karate. It's called Chuck-Will-Kill.
When an episode of Walker Texas Ranger was aired in France, the French surrendered to Chuck Norris just to be on the safe side.
While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium.
Chuck Norris once sued the Houghton-Mifflin textbook company when it became apparent that their account of the war of 1812 was plagiarized from his autobiography.
When Steven Seagal kills a ninja, he only takes its hide. When Chuck Norris kills a ninja, he uses every part.
Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with more than 20,000 women in his lifetime. Chuck Norris calls this "a slow Tuesday."
Contrary to popular belief, there is indeed enough Chuck Norris to go around.
Chuck Norris doesn?t shave; he kicks himself in the face. The only thing that can cut Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris.
For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Chuck Norris, each testicle is larger than the other one.
When taking the SAT, write "Chuck Norris" for every answer. You will score a 1600.
Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.
When you're Chuck Norris, anything + anything is equal to 1. One roundhouse kick to the face.
Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
On his birthday, Chuck Norris randomly selects one lucky child to be thrown into the sun.
Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee. Except Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't throw up if he drinks too much. Chuck Norris throws down!
In the beginning there was nothing...then Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked that nothing in the face and said "Get a job". That is the story of the universe.
Chuck Norris has 12 moons. One of those moons is the Earth.
Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
Archeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined "victim" as "one who has encountered Chuck Norris"
Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his *** kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.
Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with Chuck Norris. there were no survivors and the pilot episode tape has been burned.
Chuck Norris brings the noise AND the funk.
You know how they say if you die in your dream then you will die in real life? In actuality, if you dream of death then Chuck Norris will find you and kill you.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
When Chuck Norris is in a crowded area, he doesn't walk around people. He walks through them
James Cameron wanted Chuck Norris to play the Terminator. However, upon reflection, he realized that would have turned his movie into a documentary, so he went with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother?s womb.
Chuck Norris can divide by zero
101 Chuck Norris Facts?
"the best part of waking up isn't Folgers in your cup!
the best part of waking up is know that you weren't killed by Chuck Norris in your sleep"
i almost peed a little, and my sides hurt.
but u get a million stars
and stop catching and strangling my Smurfs
Reply:Chuck Norris can list 102.
Reply:I first read these in some site, last month. think you're such a fan eh ......to type it here all of them. when i first read this facts about chuck norris, i laugh too. still.....i chuckle.
cannot LOL right now, my boss watching!! But I give you a star 4 typing it for us....chuckle...chuckle....my boss still watching.
Is my story ok? please tell me! i want to know!?
Rate my story and tell me if its good:
It was a normal day for Anne and Kelly, who were laying about in Kelly’s bedroom, rather bored, for they had nothing to do. They had offered to clean up the neighbor-
hood, but their mothers had refused, seeing the hot weath-
er was rather....well, hot. Considering anything besides going outside, their list was rather short. “ What can we do?” cried Kelly. “ Could we IM Jane, Matt , Sandy, and
Lina at the same time? That would be fun.” suggested A-
nne. “Okay ” said Kelly, getting up. “ No need.” said a
voice behind them. They turned around, to find Sandy,
Jane, Matt, and Lina waiting for them. Kelly groaned loudly–––-she really wanted to IM them, not meet them.
“ Hey. What’s up?” asked Sandy, a tall, broad shouldered,
blond haired guy, who was the founder of six kids
so-called “group”. They never even met during the school year. Now, seeing it was summer, they met each other frequently, every other day. “Nothing. You?” replied Anne. “We were goin’ to that woods behind Rain Orchids.” said Lina. “They–—” she pointed to the guys--- “ claim there is a haunted house. Smack in the middle of the woods. A haunted house. In the woods ”she said, exclaiming it loudly. “ Yeah, right, we believe you, you’re down right we do,” said Kelly, though she looked like she was interested. “ Hmmm... there was something, uh, never mind.” said Jane, who was really thoughtful and curious about things like that. “ No, go on We wanna listen, don’t we?”said Kelly quickly. There were murmurs and nods of agreement. “Well, if you want to know, there was a house
owned by a business tycoon in the woods behind Rain Orchids, a man. He was a millionaire, and people would
die to meet him. He was really generous; he practically
owned Rain Orchids, he did donate a lot of money, and about anyone he met that seemed poor, he would give billions of dollars away to them,” Jane filled them in. “Wow.He sounds amazing But why would he live in the woods?A great man like him?” asked Anne. “I bet for secrecy,”said Matt. He also was a broad shouldered, tall guy, but with brown colored hair and green eyes, unlike Sandy, who had blue eyes. “Yeah, I guess. He wouldn’t want to be interviewed by The Journal everyday, now would he?” said Lina. She was a beautiful girl with sleek, shiny brown hair up to her waist. She also had blue eyes
and a fair skin complexion. “ Well, that makes sense, but, two things: What was his name, and was The Journal even established than?” asked Kelly, Lina’s twin; naturally,
she looked just like Lina, only with blond hair and glasses.
“Well, I think his name was Wayne Lenmore, and yes, The Journal was established then. Oh yeah, it was a long time ago, ‘bout the 1970s.” finished Jane, who was a tall, blue eyed girl with brown curly hair. “Then....um, lets GO Come on ” exclaimed Kelly, who was eager to find out about this “haunted house”. Everyone knew what she was
talking about, so they all hurried to Rain Orchids. Once there, they all asked Ms. Percidal about a man known to
live in the woods. Ms. Percidal was a thin, tall woman
with brown hair usually tied up in a ponytail. She babbled:
“Yes, there was a man, once, a long time ago, who was very generous indeed. He helped this old apple orchid a lot; I did him a bit of a favor: he wanted those woods, and I sold them to him. Never seen him after that, though, you’d think he would come back tovisit ” said Ms. Percidal. “But was his name Wayne Lenmore?” asked Anne. “ I believe so,” said Ms. Percidal.“Were those woods yours?” asked Sandy. He wore an eager expression like the rest. “Yes. They were mine, sold to me by an young man, around the age of 20. He looked quite happy to get rid of the land.” replied Ms. Percidal.“Did Mr. Lenmore have a house in the woods?” asked Matt. “ Not that I know of,” asked Ms. Percidal. After thanking Ms. Percidal, the group went to go in the woods.“Well I think the house is haunted, don’t care what you five think.” said Lina, the minute they got out of the orchid. “Well, I sure don’t. It’s all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me,” said Sandy. “Well, no one is asking you, so you can keep your thoughts to your self,” snapped Lina.
“Ooooh, look, there’s a house Over there See it?” said Jane. “Where?” were the answers to Jane’s question. They
all ran to the area Jane indicated. “See? Told you Bet it’s
Wayne Lenmore’s...spooky,” she said, after glancing at it. It was at least seven stories high, with windows that were
broken and cracked and had shutters that were brown and the paint was peeling off. The overall house was a brown,
tinge and was rather black, but the paint, like the shutters, was peeling. The little grass around the house was brown and murky, making it look like a real haunted house. “Well...should we go in?” asked Matt. “Maybe.....or not.”
said Kelly. “Come on We’ll take a look, come out. We’ll
knock first,” he added, after seeing the expression on Jane’s face, who was frowning slightly. “Okay...” she agreed, looking weary. They all approached the house, and Matt knocked. RAP. RAP. RAP. He knocked. There was a slight sound, from the depths of the woods, and all was sil-
ent. “Well, looks like Wayne isn’t home. Lets go in,” said Sandy. “Uh, I don’t think–––“ started Kelly. “Lets go,” said Matt in a firm voice. They entered, and the inside of the
house was ruined; the house had white walls, but with pe-
eling paint. The chairs and couches were green and fancy looking, but with moth-eaten fabric covered over the rotti-
ing wood shaped for the couch. There were stairs, but they
were black and looked like they were once burned. The house felt rather cold and misty; the only light came from the blazing sun outside. “This is...well, kind of––-” “Creepy, yeah,” finished Kelly for Lina. TAP. TAP. TAP. “What– what was that?” asked a nervous Anne. “It came from upstairs ” yelled Jane. “Shh I’m trying to listen ” said Matt, but the sound grew louder, and louder, until it sounded like it was right next to them. “Lets GO Ahhhh Help Someone Help ” the girls screamed. “QUIET SHH yelled Sandy. “RUN NOW ” They all ran and ran until they were out of the woods. Panting, Sandy spoke to the frightened girls. “That was something...something...a animal,” he finished lamely. “An animal,” repeated Lina, fuming at him. “We could have––” started Lina. “—died ” screamed Kelly. “No,” said Jane. “We could have found out who is the ghost of Lenmore Mansion Or what is the ghost. Whatever.” Jane corrected Kelly. She turned to Anne, “Um, why did you scream, ‘Run now’ ? That was totally little kid’s stuff to do.” Anne just looked puzzled.
“ I didn’t scream anything,” There was a pause. “Then who did?” asked Jane. There were shrugs and frowns of the question. “Well, I think we should never go back to that creepy place.” said Kelly. “Weren’t you so keen to go
there in the first place, Kells?” asked Sandy. Kelly blushed,
and muttered, “Uh, well,----no----I mean, well–---- um, ma-
be, sort–yeah,” she said, trying to hide her face. “Anyway,”
said Matt, “ We should try finding out about Wayne. Does anyone have suggestions?” he asked. “ We could find old
issues of The Journal , and see if there is anything about him
in there,” suggested Lina. “Yeah That’s a great idea ” they all exclaimed.”But lets meet here tomorrow, ‘cause I gotta
leave for a reception party tonight.” said Jane. “Me too,”
said Lina. “ Not tomarrow,no.”said Sandy. “I’m goin’ to
Georgia for a week.” “And I’m leaving for Virginia for a week.” said Anne. “Back here, in week, guys? We’ll see each other in a week. And find as much you can about this Wayne Lenmore, okay?” said Matt.
It was a long week for everyone. Lina and Jane were looking marvelous at the reception party that night, wearing identical dresses of a turquoise-green color, ankle–length with shawl that was not out-of-place, but made them look “fantabulous.” Sandy and Anne stayed at luxurious hotels in Virginia and Georgia, eating fine feasts
and taking long dips in the pools there. Also,they all frequently instant messaged each other, to ensure about what they had found out about the mysterious house....
Kellz356: U guyz there?
AlwayzAnn : Im here, don’t know about nobody else.
Kellz356: Matt?
Matt-Dude: yep, matt here.
AlwayzAnn: Did any of u guyz find out about
AlwayzAnn: Wayne Lenmore?
Lina-iz-cool has just signed on.
Lina-iz-cool: hey. Did u find about Wayne L.???
Matt-Dude: we were talking bout that...??did u guyz???
Lina-iz-cool: not really...
AlwayzAnn: well, he was in the 45th issue of the journal
Kellz356: how do u no?
AlwayzAnn: went online and researched about him on
AlwayzAnn: searchpeople.com ... pretty easy,too.
Kellz356: well, I’m sorry, but I have to go...later
AlwayzAnn: BYE
Matt-Dude: later
Lina-iz-cool: bye, Kelly
Kellz356 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: well, maybe we should find out more.....
AlwayzAnn: yeah, we should.
Jane101 has just signed on.
Jane101: hey guys. Did anyone find out about Wayne?
Matt-Dude: ann got sumthing that he was in the journal
Jane101: Was he really?
AlwayzAnn: do I ever lie? No, so yes, he wuz.
Jane101: Cool That was a fact even I didn’t know
AlwayzAnn: B-)
Jane101: That’s the cool sign, right?
AlwayzAnn: Duh, Jane, duh
Lina-iz-cool: gotta go, bye, eat dinner...
Jane101: no u don’t cuz dinner’s not redy; I live with u, remember, sis????
AlwayzAnn: *groan*
Jane101: lol Heeeeeheeeheee
Sandybeachs21 has just signed on.
Sandybeachs21: hey
AlwayzAnn: gotta go, later guyz and sandy...
AlwayzAnn has just signed out.
Sandybeaches21: I’ve gotta go 2, later %26amp; sorry about that
Sandybeaches21 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: no use staying here, later.
Matt-Dude, Jane101, and Lina-iz-cool have signed out.
It was a couple days after that when the group met.
Anne, who was the most knowledgeable one there, had taken the most amount of interest in Wayne Lenmore’s life. As she told them on instant messenger, she had found out that he was in the 45th issue of The Journal. Seeing as it was published only very recently in his time, he was quick to be
published in it. Wayne Lenmore had been quite an interesting person, as Anne had put it.
“No, he was only 26 when he inherited his mother’s
fortune,” said Anne, busy online finding out more about Wayne Lenmore. “You’ve been on for an hour researching him? You said you were on an assignment for history ” yelled Kelly. “Now
let me on ” she yelled. “Come on Kelly, it’s not an hour, and he has-he had, I mean,an amazing life Please, just–––just ten
more minutes ” pleaded Anne. “‘Had?’ ‘Had?’ What do you mean, ‘had’?” Matt asked Anne. “He...he...he died three years ago.” Anne stuttered. “He did? How?” asked Kelly.
“A mystery. No one knows why, how, when––-just the fact that three years ago.” replied Anne. “Wow...” said Sandy, from the bed.He was evidently pretending to be asleep. “Does it say where he was last spotted?” asked Jane, curious and silent, sitting on the floor. “It says in Willford,Connec––– ” she started to say, but Lina broke her off. “Thats here, right here He was last spotted in Willford, Connecticut That here He was spotted right HERE She yelled loudly so that Bane, the group’s dog, barked and turned over on its stomach. “Yes, right here,” said Anne, calmly with a smile.
Is my story ok? please tell me! i want to know!?
I think it has a lot of issues. You need an editor - seriously. First of all, you apparently don't know that every time a new person speaks, you change paragraphs. Secondly, you tend to write the way you THINK an author should write instead of using your own "voice". You write in the passive voice. By the end of the first paragraph (which was a horror to get through) I had totally lost any interest in reading any more. No, I don't think it is OK. It needs a ton of work. Your idea is fine, but your technique is seriously lacking.
They're, Their, There - Three Different Words.
Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.
Pax - C
Reply:i think its great! your very creative =]
It was a normal day for Anne and Kelly, who were laying about in Kelly’s bedroom, rather bored, for they had nothing to do. They had offered to clean up the neighbor-
hood, but their mothers had refused, seeing the hot weath-
er was rather....well, hot. Considering anything besides going outside, their list was rather short. “ What can we do?” cried Kelly. “ Could we IM Jane, Matt , Sandy, and
Lina at the same time? That would be fun.” suggested A-
nne. “Okay ” said Kelly, getting up. “ No need.” said a
voice behind them. They turned around, to find Sandy,
Jane, Matt, and Lina waiting for them. Kelly groaned loudly–––-she really wanted to IM them, not meet them.
“ Hey. What’s up?” asked Sandy, a tall, broad shouldered,
blond haired guy, who was the founder of six kids
so-called “group”. They never even met during the school year. Now, seeing it was summer, they met each other frequently, every other day. “Nothing. You?” replied Anne. “We were goin’ to that woods behind Rain Orchids.” said Lina. “They–—” she pointed to the guys--- “ claim there is a haunted house. Smack in the middle of the woods. A haunted house. In the woods ”she said, exclaiming it loudly. “ Yeah, right, we believe you, you’re down right we do,” said Kelly, though she looked like she was interested. “ Hmmm... there was something, uh, never mind.” said Jane, who was really thoughtful and curious about things like that. “ No, go on We wanna listen, don’t we?”said Kelly quickly. There were murmurs and nods of agreement. “Well, if you want to know, there was a house
owned by a business tycoon in the woods behind Rain Orchids, a man. He was a millionaire, and people would
die to meet him. He was really generous; he practically
owned Rain Orchids, he did donate a lot of money, and about anyone he met that seemed poor, he would give billions of dollars away to them,” Jane filled them in. “Wow.He sounds amazing But why would he live in the woods?A great man like him?” asked Anne. “I bet for secrecy,”said Matt. He also was a broad shouldered, tall guy, but with brown colored hair and green eyes, unlike Sandy, who had blue eyes. “Yeah, I guess. He wouldn’t want to be interviewed by The Journal everyday, now would he?” said Lina. She was a beautiful girl with sleek, shiny brown hair up to her waist. She also had blue eyes
and a fair skin complexion. “ Well, that makes sense, but, two things: What was his name, and was The Journal even established than?” asked Kelly, Lina’s twin; naturally,
she looked just like Lina, only with blond hair and glasses.
“Well, I think his name was Wayne Lenmore, and yes, The Journal was established then. Oh yeah, it was a long time ago, ‘bout the 1970s.” finished Jane, who was a tall, blue eyed girl with brown curly hair. “Then....um, lets GO Come on ” exclaimed Kelly, who was eager to find out about this “haunted house”. Everyone knew what she was
talking about, so they all hurried to Rain Orchids. Once there, they all asked Ms. Percidal about a man known to
live in the woods. Ms. Percidal was a thin, tall woman
with brown hair usually tied up in a ponytail. She babbled:
“Yes, there was a man, once, a long time ago, who was very generous indeed. He helped this old apple orchid a lot; I did him a bit of a favor: he wanted those woods, and I sold them to him. Never seen him after that, though, you’d think he would come back tovisit ” said Ms. Percidal. “But was his name Wayne Lenmore?” asked Anne. “ I believe so,” said Ms. Percidal.“Were those woods yours?” asked Sandy. He wore an eager expression like the rest. “Yes. They were mine, sold to me by an young man, around the age of 20. He looked quite happy to get rid of the land.” replied Ms. Percidal.“Did Mr. Lenmore have a house in the woods?” asked Matt. “ Not that I know of,” asked Ms. Percidal. After thanking Ms. Percidal, the group went to go in the woods.“Well I think the house is haunted, don’t care what you five think.” said Lina, the minute they got out of the orchid. “Well, I sure don’t. It’s all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me,” said Sandy. “Well, no one is asking you, so you can keep your thoughts to your self,” snapped Lina.
“Ooooh, look, there’s a house Over there See it?” said Jane. “Where?” were the answers to Jane’s question. They
all ran to the area Jane indicated. “See? Told you Bet it’s
Wayne Lenmore’s...spooky,” she said, after glancing at it. It was at least seven stories high, with windows that were
broken and cracked and had shutters that were brown and the paint was peeling off. The overall house was a brown,
tinge and was rather black, but the paint, like the shutters, was peeling. The little grass around the house was brown and murky, making it look like a real haunted house. “Well...should we go in?” asked Matt. “Maybe.....or not.”
said Kelly. “Come on We’ll take a look, come out. We’ll
knock first,” he added, after seeing the expression on Jane’s face, who was frowning slightly. “Okay...” she agreed, looking weary. They all approached the house, and Matt knocked. RAP. RAP. RAP. He knocked. There was a slight sound, from the depths of the woods, and all was sil-
ent. “Well, looks like Wayne isn’t home. Lets go in,” said Sandy. “Uh, I don’t think–––“ started Kelly. “Lets go,” said Matt in a firm voice. They entered, and the inside of the
house was ruined; the house had white walls, but with pe-
eling paint. The chairs and couches were green and fancy looking, but with moth-eaten fabric covered over the rotti-
ing wood shaped for the couch. There were stairs, but they
were black and looked like they were once burned. The house felt rather cold and misty; the only light came from the blazing sun outside. “This is...well, kind of––-” “Creepy, yeah,” finished Kelly for Lina. TAP. TAP. TAP. “What– what was that?” asked a nervous Anne. “It came from upstairs ” yelled Jane. “Shh I’m trying to listen ” said Matt, but the sound grew louder, and louder, until it sounded like it was right next to them. “Lets GO Ahhhh Help Someone Help ” the girls screamed. “QUIET SHH yelled Sandy. “RUN NOW ” They all ran and ran until they were out of the woods. Panting, Sandy spoke to the frightened girls. “That was something...something...a animal,” he finished lamely. “An animal,” repeated Lina, fuming at him. “We could have––” started Lina. “—died ” screamed Kelly. “No,” said Jane. “We could have found out who is the ghost of Lenmore Mansion Or what is the ghost. Whatever.” Jane corrected Kelly. She turned to Anne, “Um, why did you scream, ‘Run now’ ? That was totally little kid’s stuff to do.” Anne just looked puzzled.
“ I didn’t scream anything,” There was a pause. “Then who did?” asked Jane. There were shrugs and frowns of the question. “Well, I think we should never go back to that creepy place.” said Kelly. “Weren’t you so keen to go
there in the first place, Kells?” asked Sandy. Kelly blushed,
and muttered, “Uh, well,----no----I mean, well–---- um, ma-
be, sort–yeah,” she said, trying to hide her face. “Anyway,”
said Matt, “ We should try finding out about Wayne. Does anyone have suggestions?” he asked. “ We could find old
issues of The Journal , and see if there is anything about him
in there,” suggested Lina. “Yeah That’s a great idea ” they all exclaimed.”But lets meet here tomorrow, ‘cause I gotta
leave for a reception party tonight.” said Jane. “Me too,”
said Lina. “ Not tomarrow,no.”said Sandy. “I’m goin’ to
Georgia for a week.” “And I’m leaving for Virginia for a week.” said Anne. “Back here, in week, guys? We’ll see each other in a week. And find as much you can about this Wayne Lenmore, okay?” said Matt.
It was a long week for everyone. Lina and Jane were looking marvelous at the reception party that night, wearing identical dresses of a turquoise-green color, ankle–length with shawl that was not out-of-place, but made them look “fantabulous.” Sandy and Anne stayed at luxurious hotels in Virginia and Georgia, eating fine feasts
and taking long dips in the pools there. Also,they all frequently instant messaged each other, to ensure about what they had found out about the mysterious house....
Kellz356: U guyz there?
AlwayzAnn : Im here, don’t know about nobody else.
Kellz356: Matt?
Matt-Dude: yep, matt here.
AlwayzAnn: Did any of u guyz find out about
AlwayzAnn: Wayne Lenmore?
Lina-iz-cool has just signed on.
Lina-iz-cool: hey. Did u find about Wayne L.???
Matt-Dude: we were talking bout that...??did u guyz???
Lina-iz-cool: not really...
AlwayzAnn: well, he was in the 45th issue of the journal
Kellz356: how do u no?
AlwayzAnn: went online and researched about him on
AlwayzAnn: searchpeople.com ... pretty easy,too.
Kellz356: well, I’m sorry, but I have to go...later
AlwayzAnn: BYE
Matt-Dude: later
Lina-iz-cool: bye, Kelly
Kellz356 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: well, maybe we should find out more.....
AlwayzAnn: yeah, we should.
Jane101 has just signed on.
Jane101: hey guys. Did anyone find out about Wayne?
Matt-Dude: ann got sumthing that he was in the journal
Jane101: Was he really?
AlwayzAnn: do I ever lie? No, so yes, he wuz.
Jane101: Cool That was a fact even I didn’t know
AlwayzAnn: B-)
Jane101: That’s the cool sign, right?
AlwayzAnn: Duh, Jane, duh
Lina-iz-cool: gotta go, bye, eat dinner...
Jane101: no u don’t cuz dinner’s not redy; I live with u, remember, sis????
AlwayzAnn: *groan*
Jane101: lol Heeeeeheeeheee
Sandybeachs21 has just signed on.
Sandybeachs21: hey
AlwayzAnn: gotta go, later guyz and sandy...
AlwayzAnn has just signed out.
Sandybeaches21: I’ve gotta go 2, later %26amp; sorry about that
Sandybeaches21 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: no use staying here, later.
Matt-Dude, Jane101, and Lina-iz-cool have signed out.
It was a couple days after that when the group met.
Anne, who was the most knowledgeable one there, had taken the most amount of interest in Wayne Lenmore’s life. As she told them on instant messenger, she had found out that he was in the 45th issue of The Journal. Seeing as it was published only very recently in his time, he was quick to be
published in it. Wayne Lenmore had been quite an interesting person, as Anne had put it.
“No, he was only 26 when he inherited his mother’s
fortune,” said Anne, busy online finding out more about Wayne Lenmore. “You’ve been on for an hour researching him? You said you were on an assignment for history ” yelled Kelly. “Now
let me on ” she yelled. “Come on Kelly, it’s not an hour, and he has-he had, I mean,an amazing life Please, just–––just ten
more minutes ” pleaded Anne. “‘Had?’ ‘Had?’ What do you mean, ‘had’?” Matt asked Anne. “He...he...he died three years ago.” Anne stuttered. “He did? How?” asked Kelly.
“A mystery. No one knows why, how, when––-just the fact that three years ago.” replied Anne. “Wow...” said Sandy, from the bed.He was evidently pretending to be asleep. “Does it say where he was last spotted?” asked Jane, curious and silent, sitting on the floor. “It says in Willford,Connec––– ” she started to say, but Lina broke her off. “Thats here, right here He was last spotted in Willford, Connecticut That here He was spotted right HERE She yelled loudly so that Bane, the group’s dog, barked and turned over on its stomach. “Yes, right here,” said Anne, calmly with a smile.
Is my story ok? please tell me! i want to know!?
I think it has a lot of issues. You need an editor - seriously. First of all, you apparently don't know that every time a new person speaks, you change paragraphs. Secondly, you tend to write the way you THINK an author should write instead of using your own "voice". You write in the passive voice. By the end of the first paragraph (which was a horror to get through) I had totally lost any interest in reading any more. No, I don't think it is OK. It needs a ton of work. Your idea is fine, but your technique is seriously lacking.
They're, Their, There - Three Different Words.
Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.
Pax - C
Reply:i think its great! your very creative =]
Please tell me if my story is good,PLEASE, its couple of chapters?
Rate my story and tell me if its good:
It was a normal day for Anne and Kelly, who were laying about in Kelly’s bedroom, rather bored, for they had nothing to do. They had offered to clean up the neighbor-
hood, but their mothers had refused, seeing the hot weath-
er was rather....well, hot. Considering anything besides going outside, their list was rather short. “ What can we do?” cried Kelly. “ Could we IM Jane, Matt , Sandy, and
Lina at the same time? That would be fun.” suggested A-
nne. “Okay ” said Kelly, getting up. “ No need.” said a
voice behind them. They turned around, to find Sandy,
Jane, Matt, and Lina waiting for them. Kelly groaned loudly–––-she really wanted to IM them, not meet them.
“ Hey. What’s up?” asked Sandy, a tall, broad shouldered,
blond haired guy, who was the founder of six kids
so-called “group”. They never even met during the school year. Now, seeing it was summer, they met each other frequently, every other day. “Nothing. You?” replied Anne. “We were goin’ to that woods behind Rain Orchids.” said Lina. “They–—” she pointed to the guys--- “ claim there is a haunted house. Smack in the middle of the woods. A haunted house. In the woods ”she said, exclaiming it loudly. “ Yeah, right, we believe you, you’re down right we do,” said Kelly, though she looked like she was interested. “ Hmmm... there was something, uh, never mind.” said Jane, who was really thoughtful and curious about things like that. “ No, go on We wanna listen, don’t we?”said Kelly quickly. There were murmurs and nods of agreement. “Well, if you want to know, there was a house
owned by a business tycoon in the woods behind Rain Orchids, a man. He was a millionaire, and people would
die to meet him. He was really generous; he practically
owned Rain Orchids, he did donate a lot of money, and about anyone he met that seemed poor, he would give billions of dollars away to them,” Jane filled them in. “Wow.He sounds amazing But why would he live in the woods?A great man like him?” asked Anne. “I bet for secrecy,”said Matt. He also was a broad shouldered, tall guy, but with brown colored hair and green eyes, unlike Sandy, who had blue eyes. “Yeah, I guess. He wouldn’t want to be interviewed by The Journal everyday, now would he?” said Lina. She was a beautiful girl with sleek, shiny brown hair up to her waist. She also had blue eyes
and a fair skin complexion. “ Well, that makes sense, but, two things: What was his name, and was The Journal even established than?” asked Kelly, Lina’s twin; naturally,
she looked just like Lina, only with blond hair and glasses.
“Well, I think his name was Wayne Lenmore, and yes, The Journal was established then. Oh yeah, it was a long time ago, ‘bout the 1970s.” finished Jane, who was a tall, blue eyed girl with brown curly hair. “Then....um, lets GO Come on ” exclaimed Kelly, who was eager to find out about this “haunted house”. Everyone knew what she was
talking about, so they all hurried to Rain Orchids. Once there, they all asked Ms. Percidal about a man known to
live in the woods. Ms. Percidal was a thin, tall woman
with brown hair usually tied up in a ponytail. She babbled:
“Yes, there was a man, once, a long time ago, who was very generous indeed. He helped this old apple orchid a lot; I did him a bit of a favor: he wanted those woods, and I sold them to him. Never seen him after that, though, you’d think he would come back tovisit ” said Ms. Percidal. “But was his name Wayne Lenmore?” asked Anne. “ I believe so,” said Ms. Percidal.“Were those woods yours?” asked Sandy. He wore an eager expression like the rest. “Yes. They were mine, sold to me by an young man, around the age of 20. He looked quite happy to get rid of the land.” replied Ms. Percidal.“Did Mr. Lenmore have a house in the woods?” asked Matt. “ Not that I know of,” asked Ms. Percidal. After thanking Ms. Percidal, the group went to go in the woods.“Well I think the house is haunted, don’t care what you five think.” said Lina, the minute they got out of the orchid. “Well, I sure don’t. It’s all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me,” said Sandy. “Well, no one is asking you, so you can keep your thoughts to your self,” snapped Lina.
“Ooooh, look, there’s a house Over there See it?” said Jane. “Where?” were the answers to Jane’s question. They
all ran to the area Jane indicated. “See? Told you Bet it’s
Wayne Lenmore’s...spooky,” she said, after glancing at it. It was at least seven stories high, with windows that were
broken and cracked and had shutters that were brown and the paint was peeling off. The overall house was a brown,
tinge and was rather black, but the paint, like the shutters, was peeling. The little grass around the house was brown and murky, making it look like a real haunted house. “Well...should we go in?” asked Matt. “Maybe.....or not.”
said Kelly. “Come on We’ll take a look, come out. We’ll
knock first,” he added, after seeing the expression on Jane’s face, who was frowning slightly. “Okay...” she agreed, looking weary. They all approached the house, and Matt knocked. RAP. RAP. RAP. He knocked. There was a slight sound, from the depths of the woods, and all was sil-
ent. “Well, looks like Wayne isn’t home. Lets go in,” said Sandy. “Uh, I don’t think–––“ started Kelly. “Lets go,” said Matt in a firm voice. They entered, and the inside of the
house was ruined; the house had white walls, but with pe-
eling paint. The chairs and couches were green and fancy looking, but with moth-eaten fabric covered over the rotti-
ing wood shaped for the couch. There were stairs, but they
were black and looked like they were once burned. The house felt rather cold and misty; the only light came from the blazing sun outside. “This is...well, kind of––-” “Creepy, yeah,” finished Kelly for Lina. TAP. TAP. TAP. “What– what was that?” asked a nervous Anne. “It came from upstairs ” yelled Jane. “Shh I’m trying to listen ” said Matt, but the sound grew louder, and louder, until it sounded like it was right next to them. “Lets GO Ahhhh Help Someone Help ” the girls screamed. “QUIET SHH yelled Sandy. “RUN NOW ” They all ran and ran until they were out of the woods. Panting, Sandy spoke to the frightened girls. “That was something...something...a animal,” he finished lamely. “An animal,” repeated Lina, fuming at him. “We could have––” started Lina. “—died ” screamed Kelly. “No,” said Jane. “We could have found out who is the ghost of Lenmore Mansion Or what is the ghost. Whatever.” Jane corrected Kelly. She turned to Anne, “Um, why did you scream, ‘Run now’ ? That was totally little kid’s stuff to do.” Anne just looked puzzled.
“ I didn’t scream anything,” There was a pause. “Then who did?” asked Jane. There were shrugs and frowns of the question. “Well, I think we should never go back to that creepy place.” said Kelly. “Weren’t you so keen to go
there in the first place, Kells?” asked Sandy. Kelly blushed,
and muttered, “Uh, well,----no----I mean, well–---- um, ma-
be, sort–yeah,” she said, trying to hide her face. “Anyway,”
said Matt, “ We should try finding out about Wayne. Does anyone have suggestions?” he asked. “ We could find old
issues of The Journal , and see if there is anything about him
in there,” suggested Lina. “Yeah That’s a great idea ” they all exclaimed.”But lets meet here tomorrow, ‘cause I gotta
leave for a reception party tonight.” said Jane. “Me too,”
said Lina. “ Not tomarrow,no.”said Sandy. “I’m goin’ to
Georgia for a week.” “And I’m leaving for Virginia for a week.” said Anne. “Back here, in week, guys? We’ll see each other in a week. And find as much you can about this Wayne Lenmore, okay?” said Matt.
It was a long week for everyone. Lina and Jane were looking marvelous at the reception party that night, wearing identical dresses of a turquoise-green color, ankle–length with shawl that was not out-of-place, but made them look “fantabulous.” Sandy and Anne stayed at luxurious hotels in Virginia and Georgia, eating fine feasts
and taking long dips in the pools there. Also,they all frequently instant messaged each other, to ensure about what they had found out about the mysterious house....
Kellz356: U guyz there?
AlwayzAnn : Im here, don’t know about nobody else.
Kellz356: Matt?
Matt-Dude: yep, matt here.
AlwayzAnn: Did any of u guyz find out about
AlwayzAnn: Wayne Lenmore?
Lina-iz-cool has just signed on.
Lina-iz-cool: hey. Did u find about Wayne L.???
Matt-Dude: we were talking bout that...??did u guyz???
Lina-iz-cool: not really...
AlwayzAnn: well, he was in the 45th issue of the journal
Kellz356: how do u no?
AlwayzAnn: went online and researched about him on
AlwayzAnn: searchpeople.com ... pretty easy,too.
Kellz356: well, I’m sorry, but I have to go...later
AlwayzAnn: BYE
Matt-Dude: later
Lina-iz-cool: bye, Kelly
Kellz356 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: well, maybe we should find out more.....
AlwayzAnn: yeah, we should.
Jane101 has just signed on.
Jane101: hey guys. Did anyone find out about Wayne?
Matt-Dude: ann got sumthing that he was in the journal
Jane101: Was he really?
AlwayzAnn: do I ever lie? No, so yes, he wuz.
Jane101: Cool That was a fact even I didn’t know
AlwayzAnn: B-)
Jane101: That’s the cool sign, right?
AlwayzAnn: Duh, Jane, duh
Lina-iz-cool: gotta go, bye, eat dinner...
Jane101: no u don’t cuz dinner’s not redy; I live with u, remember, sis????
AlwayzAnn: *groan*
Jane101: lol Heeeeeheeeheee
Sandybeachs21 has just signed on.
Sandybeachs21: hey
AlwayzAnn: gotta go, later guyz and sandy...
AlwayzAnn has just signed out.
Sandybeaches21: I’ve gotta go 2, later %26amp; sorry about that
Sandybeaches21 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: no use staying here, later.
Matt-Dude, Jane101, and Lina-iz-cool have signed out.
It was a couple days after that when the group met.
Anne, who was the most knowledgeable one there, had taken the most amount of interest in Wayne Lenmore’s life. As she told them on instant messenger, she had found out that he was in the 45th issue of The Journal. Seeing as it was published only very recently in his time, he was quick to be
published in it. Wayne Lenmore had been quite an interesting person, as Anne had put it.
“No, he was only 26 when he inherited his mother’s
fortune,” said Anne, busy online finding out more about Wayne Lenmore. “You’ve been on for an hour researching him? You said you were on an assignment for history ” yelled Kelly. “Now
let me on ” she yelled. “Come on Kelly, it’s not an hour, and he has-he had, I mean,an amazing life Please, just–––just ten
more minutes ” pleaded Anne. “‘Had?’ ‘Had?’ What do you mean, ‘had’?” Matt asked Anne. “He...he...he died three years ago.” Anne stuttered. “He did? How?” asked Kelly.
“A mystery. No one knows why, how, when––-just the fact that three years ago.” replied Anne. “Wow...” said Sandy, from the bed.He was evidently pretending to be asleep. “Does it say where he was last spotted?” asked Jane, curious and silent, sitting on the floor. “It says in Willford,Connec––– ” she started to say, but Lina broke her off. “Thats here, right here He was last spotted in Willford, Connecticut That here He was spotted right HERE She yelled loudly so that Bane, the group’s dog, barked and turned over on its stomach. “Yes, right here,” said Anne, calmly with a smile.
Please tell me if my story is good,PLEASE, its couple of chapters?
I'm not going to read it. Instead, I'm going to direct you to fictionpress.com, where you can get a free account and post your stories online, chapter by chapter, for other people (both members and non-members) to read and comment on. It's a fantastic writer-friendly place and you'll get feedback on your story, and constructive criticism so you can see what you should work on.
It was a normal day for Anne and Kelly, who were laying about in Kelly’s bedroom, rather bored, for they had nothing to do. They had offered to clean up the neighbor-
hood, but their mothers had refused, seeing the hot weath-
er was rather....well, hot. Considering anything besides going outside, their list was rather short. “ What can we do?” cried Kelly. “ Could we IM Jane, Matt , Sandy, and
Lina at the same time? That would be fun.” suggested A-
nne. “Okay ” said Kelly, getting up. “ No need.” said a
voice behind them. They turned around, to find Sandy,
Jane, Matt, and Lina waiting for them. Kelly groaned loudly–––-she really wanted to IM them, not meet them.
“ Hey. What’s up?” asked Sandy, a tall, broad shouldered,
blond haired guy, who was the founder of six kids
so-called “group”. They never even met during the school year. Now, seeing it was summer, they met each other frequently, every other day. “Nothing. You?” replied Anne. “We were goin’ to that woods behind Rain Orchids.” said Lina. “They–—” she pointed to the guys--- “ claim there is a haunted house. Smack in the middle of the woods. A haunted house. In the woods ”she said, exclaiming it loudly. “ Yeah, right, we believe you, you’re down right we do,” said Kelly, though she looked like she was interested. “ Hmmm... there was something, uh, never mind.” said Jane, who was really thoughtful and curious about things like that. “ No, go on We wanna listen, don’t we?”said Kelly quickly. There were murmurs and nods of agreement. “Well, if you want to know, there was a house
owned by a business tycoon in the woods behind Rain Orchids, a man. He was a millionaire, and people would
die to meet him. He was really generous; he practically
owned Rain Orchids, he did donate a lot of money, and about anyone he met that seemed poor, he would give billions of dollars away to them,” Jane filled them in. “Wow.He sounds amazing But why would he live in the woods?A great man like him?” asked Anne. “I bet for secrecy,”said Matt. He also was a broad shouldered, tall guy, but with brown colored hair and green eyes, unlike Sandy, who had blue eyes. “Yeah, I guess. He wouldn’t want to be interviewed by The Journal everyday, now would he?” said Lina. She was a beautiful girl with sleek, shiny brown hair up to her waist. She also had blue eyes
and a fair skin complexion. “ Well, that makes sense, but, two things: What was his name, and was The Journal even established than?” asked Kelly, Lina’s twin; naturally,
she looked just like Lina, only with blond hair and glasses.
“Well, I think his name was Wayne Lenmore, and yes, The Journal was established then. Oh yeah, it was a long time ago, ‘bout the 1970s.” finished Jane, who was a tall, blue eyed girl with brown curly hair. “Then....um, lets GO Come on ” exclaimed Kelly, who was eager to find out about this “haunted house”. Everyone knew what she was
talking about, so they all hurried to Rain Orchids. Once there, they all asked Ms. Percidal about a man known to
live in the woods. Ms. Percidal was a thin, tall woman
with brown hair usually tied up in a ponytail. She babbled:
“Yes, there was a man, once, a long time ago, who was very generous indeed. He helped this old apple orchid a lot; I did him a bit of a favor: he wanted those woods, and I sold them to him. Never seen him after that, though, you’d think he would come back tovisit ” said Ms. Percidal. “But was his name Wayne Lenmore?” asked Anne. “ I believe so,” said Ms. Percidal.“Were those woods yours?” asked Sandy. He wore an eager expression like the rest. “Yes. They were mine, sold to me by an young man, around the age of 20. He looked quite happy to get rid of the land.” replied Ms. Percidal.“Did Mr. Lenmore have a house in the woods?” asked Matt. “ Not that I know of,” asked Ms. Percidal. After thanking Ms. Percidal, the group went to go in the woods.“Well I think the house is haunted, don’t care what you five think.” said Lina, the minute they got out of the orchid. “Well, I sure don’t. It’s all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me,” said Sandy. “Well, no one is asking you, so you can keep your thoughts to your self,” snapped Lina.
“Ooooh, look, there’s a house Over there See it?” said Jane. “Where?” were the answers to Jane’s question. They
all ran to the area Jane indicated. “See? Told you Bet it’s
Wayne Lenmore’s...spooky,” she said, after glancing at it. It was at least seven stories high, with windows that were
broken and cracked and had shutters that were brown and the paint was peeling off. The overall house was a brown,
tinge and was rather black, but the paint, like the shutters, was peeling. The little grass around the house was brown and murky, making it look like a real haunted house. “Well...should we go in?” asked Matt. “Maybe.....or not.”
said Kelly. “Come on We’ll take a look, come out. We’ll
knock first,” he added, after seeing the expression on Jane’s face, who was frowning slightly. “Okay...” she agreed, looking weary. They all approached the house, and Matt knocked. RAP. RAP. RAP. He knocked. There was a slight sound, from the depths of the woods, and all was sil-
ent. “Well, looks like Wayne isn’t home. Lets go in,” said Sandy. “Uh, I don’t think–––“ started Kelly. “Lets go,” said Matt in a firm voice. They entered, and the inside of the
house was ruined; the house had white walls, but with pe-
eling paint. The chairs and couches were green and fancy looking, but with moth-eaten fabric covered over the rotti-
ing wood shaped for the couch. There were stairs, but they
were black and looked like they were once burned. The house felt rather cold and misty; the only light came from the blazing sun outside. “This is...well, kind of––-” “Creepy, yeah,” finished Kelly for Lina. TAP. TAP. TAP. “What– what was that?” asked a nervous Anne. “It came from upstairs ” yelled Jane. “Shh I’m trying to listen ” said Matt, but the sound grew louder, and louder, until it sounded like it was right next to them. “Lets GO Ahhhh Help Someone Help ” the girls screamed. “QUIET SHH yelled Sandy. “RUN NOW ” They all ran and ran until they were out of the woods. Panting, Sandy spoke to the frightened girls. “That was something...something...a animal,” he finished lamely. “An animal,” repeated Lina, fuming at him. “We could have––” started Lina. “—died ” screamed Kelly. “No,” said Jane. “We could have found out who is the ghost of Lenmore Mansion Or what is the ghost. Whatever.” Jane corrected Kelly. She turned to Anne, “Um, why did you scream, ‘Run now’ ? That was totally little kid’s stuff to do.” Anne just looked puzzled.
“ I didn’t scream anything,” There was a pause. “Then who did?” asked Jane. There were shrugs and frowns of the question. “Well, I think we should never go back to that creepy place.” said Kelly. “Weren’t you so keen to go
there in the first place, Kells?” asked Sandy. Kelly blushed,
and muttered, “Uh, well,----no----I mean, well–---- um, ma-
be, sort–yeah,” she said, trying to hide her face. “Anyway,”
said Matt, “ We should try finding out about Wayne. Does anyone have suggestions?” he asked. “ We could find old
issues of The Journal , and see if there is anything about him
in there,” suggested Lina. “Yeah That’s a great idea ” they all exclaimed.”But lets meet here tomorrow, ‘cause I gotta
leave for a reception party tonight.” said Jane. “Me too,”
said Lina. “ Not tomarrow,no.”said Sandy. “I’m goin’ to
Georgia for a week.” “And I’m leaving for Virginia for a week.” said Anne. “Back here, in week, guys? We’ll see each other in a week. And find as much you can about this Wayne Lenmore, okay?” said Matt.
It was a long week for everyone. Lina and Jane were looking marvelous at the reception party that night, wearing identical dresses of a turquoise-green color, ankle–length with shawl that was not out-of-place, but made them look “fantabulous.” Sandy and Anne stayed at luxurious hotels in Virginia and Georgia, eating fine feasts
and taking long dips in the pools there. Also,they all frequently instant messaged each other, to ensure about what they had found out about the mysterious house....
Kellz356: U guyz there?
AlwayzAnn : Im here, don’t know about nobody else.
Kellz356: Matt?
Matt-Dude: yep, matt here.
AlwayzAnn: Did any of u guyz find out about
AlwayzAnn: Wayne Lenmore?
Lina-iz-cool has just signed on.
Lina-iz-cool: hey. Did u find about Wayne L.???
Matt-Dude: we were talking bout that...??did u guyz???
Lina-iz-cool: not really...
AlwayzAnn: well, he was in the 45th issue of the journal
Kellz356: how do u no?
AlwayzAnn: went online and researched about him on
AlwayzAnn: searchpeople.com ... pretty easy,too.
Kellz356: well, I’m sorry, but I have to go...later
AlwayzAnn: BYE
Matt-Dude: later
Lina-iz-cool: bye, Kelly
Kellz356 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: well, maybe we should find out more.....
AlwayzAnn: yeah, we should.
Jane101 has just signed on.
Jane101: hey guys. Did anyone find out about Wayne?
Matt-Dude: ann got sumthing that he was in the journal
Jane101: Was he really?
AlwayzAnn: do I ever lie? No, so yes, he wuz.
Jane101: Cool That was a fact even I didn’t know
AlwayzAnn: B-)
Jane101: That’s the cool sign, right?
AlwayzAnn: Duh, Jane, duh
Lina-iz-cool: gotta go, bye, eat dinner...
Jane101: no u don’t cuz dinner’s not redy; I live with u, remember, sis????
AlwayzAnn: *groan*
Jane101: lol Heeeeeheeeheee
Sandybeachs21 has just signed on.
Sandybeachs21: hey
AlwayzAnn: gotta go, later guyz and sandy...
AlwayzAnn has just signed out.
Sandybeaches21: I’ve gotta go 2, later %26amp; sorry about that
Sandybeaches21 has just signed out.
Matt-Dude: no use staying here, later.
Matt-Dude, Jane101, and Lina-iz-cool have signed out.
It was a couple days after that when the group met.
Anne, who was the most knowledgeable one there, had taken the most amount of interest in Wayne Lenmore’s life. As she told them on instant messenger, she had found out that he was in the 45th issue of The Journal. Seeing as it was published only very recently in his time, he was quick to be
published in it. Wayne Lenmore had been quite an interesting person, as Anne had put it.
“No, he was only 26 when he inherited his mother’s
fortune,” said Anne, busy online finding out more about Wayne Lenmore. “You’ve been on for an hour researching him? You said you were on an assignment for history ” yelled Kelly. “Now
let me on ” she yelled. “Come on Kelly, it’s not an hour, and he has-he had, I mean,an amazing life Please, just–––just ten
more minutes ” pleaded Anne. “‘Had?’ ‘Had?’ What do you mean, ‘had’?” Matt asked Anne. “He...he...he died three years ago.” Anne stuttered. “He did? How?” asked Kelly.
“A mystery. No one knows why, how, when––-just the fact that three years ago.” replied Anne. “Wow...” said Sandy, from the bed.He was evidently pretending to be asleep. “Does it say where he was last spotted?” asked Jane, curious and silent, sitting on the floor. “It says in Willford,Connec––– ” she started to say, but Lina broke her off. “Thats here, right here He was last spotted in Willford, Connecticut That here He was spotted right HERE She yelled loudly so that Bane, the group’s dog, barked and turned over on its stomach. “Yes, right here,” said Anne, calmly with a smile.
Please tell me if my story is good,PLEASE, its couple of chapters?
I'm not going to read it. Instead, I'm going to direct you to fictionpress.com, where you can get a free account and post your stories online, chapter by chapter, for other people (both members and non-members) to read and comment on. It's a fantastic writer-friendly place and you'll get feedback on your story, and constructive criticism so you can see what you should work on.
Remove mole with herbal paste? - It did work?
About 3 weeks ago I posted this: I have been hearing a lot about the herbal paste from The Wart %26amp; Mole Remover Co. I have seen the website and it looks good but before I buy it I wonder if anyone here has bought it? Thanks in advance. Si
I just wanted to report back, because I decided to give it a go. I now have no moles. It was fantastic. The moles disappeared almost instantly. They went very flat and very black then it kind of scabbed over. When the scabs first fell off my skin was a little pink but it is now blending in. Day by day it is looking more and more invisible. Sorry mr doctor (who said it wouldn't work) you were wrong! It did work!
Remove mole with herbal paste? - It did work?
Lets hope B%26amp;Q dont start selling Mole and Wart removing potion, because you and georga_gray will be out of business.
Reply:Thanks for posting your experience with this. I wondered if it really did work. I think I will give it a try too.
Reply:Is it April Fool's Day? I can't believe this story but really love for it to be true as I have a lot of moles and would dearly love to be mole free. I once had one removed surgically and was surpised that it was like a spherical object and had been larger on the surface than below it. I had always imaging huge roots and an ice berg type scenario ie something like 1/8 above the surface and the rest below. So my experience suggests that this could be true.
What about side effects though?
Sounds fantastic.
Reply:Is there any dangers associated with using it. Do the moles have to be raised surface moles or will it work on flat ones.
add to question ta
I just wanted to report back, because I decided to give it a go. I now have no moles. It was fantastic. The moles disappeared almost instantly. They went very flat and very black then it kind of scabbed over. When the scabs first fell off my skin was a little pink but it is now blending in. Day by day it is looking more and more invisible. Sorry mr doctor (who said it wouldn't work) you were wrong! It did work!
Remove mole with herbal paste? - It did work?
Lets hope B%26amp;Q dont start selling Mole and Wart removing potion, because you and georga_gray will be out of business.
Reply:Thanks for posting your experience with this. I wondered if it really did work. I think I will give it a try too.
Reply:Is it April Fool's Day? I can't believe this story but really love for it to be true as I have a lot of moles and would dearly love to be mole free. I once had one removed surgically and was surpised that it was like a spherical object and had been larger on the surface than below it. I had always imaging huge roots and an ice berg type scenario ie something like 1/8 above the surface and the rest below. So my experience suggests that this could be true.
What about side effects though?
Sounds fantastic.
Reply:Is there any dangers associated with using it. Do the moles have to be raised surface moles or will it work on flat ones.
add to question ta
College Admissions Essay?
I am writing about how a class I have taken has inspired me to become involved in the medical field. This is all I have so far:
As I stood there with the needle clenched between my fingers and my hands nervously shaking, I could barely comprehend what I was about to do. This was a real live person that I was about to perform on. I was so petrified that I was going to hurt her. Quickly, I pierced her skin with the needle and delved deep for a vein. Finally, a sense of relief overcame my body when the tube began to fill with blood.
Hitting that vein and filling that tube of blood was just the tip of the iceberg. I knew from the moment that I stepped foot into Mr. Johnson’s third period Laboratory Assistant class, that I had found out just what I wanted to do with my life. I knew the medical field was definitely my forte.
I am not exactly sure where to go from here. Can someone please give me some ideas? Thanks!!
College Admissions Essay?
Should really come from you, I understand writer's block and needing advice to get your thoughts flowing though. You can continue with something like, "Many of my friends have no idea what they want to do, they intend to use their first two years in college trying to figure it out before they are forced to choose a major, but I know without a doubt at this moment in my life that nursing is my destiny." By the way, you may be having a writer's block because, you're not really sure if this is what you want to do! Or whether or not you're really wanting to goto college or whether or not it's sort of being forced on you! There is so much pressure to impress and not be yourself that I don't blame you for writing essays in which you feel you are thinking about everything you say in detail rather than actually expressing yourself and your emotions. I know that I am recently interested in the field of medicine and I would say something like, "I look around me and I see what other people do for a living. I think back to my days in television, education, and culinary service. It's like none of it really meant anything. The decision to become a nurse just FEELS right. It feels like me, it feels like a good decision, and it's something I know I am capable of if I just work hard enough. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to work on my BSN degree in nursing at your college (or university). Anyway, I don't know whether you watch Grey's Anatomy or not but I like the theme you have going here, it reminds me of the first episode in the season this year where the character Lexi says to the character George O'Malley "And you...you delivered a BABY today".
Reply:Just go on with your forte or inclination in life. As you go on and allow yourself be trained in the medical field you chose, you'll learn to handle more your emotions - knowing than every work must be done objectively as long as you are doing the right thing which is sustaining life.
Reply:Let's start with what you have. It's good (only one or two grammatical errors that you can take care of later), but I would change the last word from "forte" to "calling." Although forte shows some reasonably impressive vocabulary, it does not correctly elaborate the previous sentence. You want a word that parallels "what I wanted to do with my life."
As for the rest of it, describe what kind of medicine you want to go into and how exactly Mr. Johnson's class made you realize that you wanted to do it.
Reply:Think of more events where you can personalise. However stay within the medical theme as in how you had derived a sense of happiness being of help to people and how the events further motivated you in you daily activities. It should be people oriented stuffs afterall being a doctor is like trying to improve the lives of your patients?
As I stood there with the needle clenched between my fingers and my hands nervously shaking, I could barely comprehend what I was about to do. This was a real live person that I was about to perform on. I was so petrified that I was going to hurt her. Quickly, I pierced her skin with the needle and delved deep for a vein. Finally, a sense of relief overcame my body when the tube began to fill with blood.
Hitting that vein and filling that tube of blood was just the tip of the iceberg. I knew from the moment that I stepped foot into Mr. Johnson’s third period Laboratory Assistant class, that I had found out just what I wanted to do with my life. I knew the medical field was definitely my forte.
I am not exactly sure where to go from here. Can someone please give me some ideas? Thanks!!
College Admissions Essay?
Should really come from you, I understand writer's block and needing advice to get your thoughts flowing though. You can continue with something like, "Many of my friends have no idea what they want to do, they intend to use their first two years in college trying to figure it out before they are forced to choose a major, but I know without a doubt at this moment in my life that nursing is my destiny." By the way, you may be having a writer's block because, you're not really sure if this is what you want to do! Or whether or not you're really wanting to goto college or whether or not it's sort of being forced on you! There is so much pressure to impress and not be yourself that I don't blame you for writing essays in which you feel you are thinking about everything you say in detail rather than actually expressing yourself and your emotions. I know that I am recently interested in the field of medicine and I would say something like, "I look around me and I see what other people do for a living. I think back to my days in television, education, and culinary service. It's like none of it really meant anything. The decision to become a nurse just FEELS right. It feels like me, it feels like a good decision, and it's something I know I am capable of if I just work hard enough. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to work on my BSN degree in nursing at your college (or university). Anyway, I don't know whether you watch Grey's Anatomy or not but I like the theme you have going here, it reminds me of the first episode in the season this year where the character Lexi says to the character George O'Malley "And you...you delivered a BABY today".
Reply:Just go on with your forte or inclination in life. As you go on and allow yourself be trained in the medical field you chose, you'll learn to handle more your emotions - knowing than every work must be done objectively as long as you are doing the right thing which is sustaining life.
Reply:Let's start with what you have. It's good (only one or two grammatical errors that you can take care of later), but I would change the last word from "forte" to "calling." Although forte shows some reasonably impressive vocabulary, it does not correctly elaborate the previous sentence. You want a word that parallels "what I wanted to do with my life."
As for the rest of it, describe what kind of medicine you want to go into and how exactly Mr. Johnson's class made you realize that you wanted to do it.
Reply:Think of more events where you can personalise. However stay within the medical theme as in how you had derived a sense of happiness being of help to people and how the events further motivated you in you daily activities. It should be people oriented stuffs afterall being a doctor is like trying to improve the lives of your patients?
College Admissions Essay?
I am writing about how a class I have taken has inspired me to become involved in the medical field. This is all I have so far:
As I stood there with the needle clenched between my fingers and my hands nervously shaking, I could barely comprehend what I was about to do. This was a real live person that I was about to perform on. I was so petrified that I was going to hurt her. Quickly, I pierced her skin with the needle and delved deep for a vein. Finally, a sense of relief overcame my body when the tube began to fill with blood.
Hitting that vein and filling that tube of blood was just the tip of the iceberg. I knew from the moment that I stepped foot into Mr. Johnson’s third period Laboratory Assistant class, that I had found out just what I wanted to do with my life. I knew the medical field was definitely my forte.
I am not exactly sure where to go from here. Can someone please give me some ideas? Thanks!!
College Admissions Essay?
Should really come from you, I understand writer's block and needing advice to get your thoughts flowing though. You can continue with something like, "Many of my friends have no idea what they want to do, they intend to use their first two years in college trying to figure it out before they are forced to choose a major, but I know without a doubt at this moment in my life that nursing is my destiny." By the way, you may be having a writer's block because, you're not really sure if this is what you want to do! Or whether or not you're really wanting to goto college or whether or not it's sort of being forced on you! There is so much pressure to impress and not be yourself that I don't blame you for writing essays in which you feel you are thinking about everything you say in detail rather than actually expressing yourself and your emotions. I know that I am recently interested in the field of medicine and I would say something like, "I look around me and I see what other people do for a living. I think back to my days in television, education, and culinary service. It's like none of it really meant anything. The decision to become a nurse just FEELS right. It feels like me, it feels like a good decision, and it's something I know I am capable of if I just work hard enough. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to work on my BSN degree in nursing at your college (or university). Anyway, I don't know whether you watch Grey's Anatomy or not but I like the theme you have going here, it reminds me of the first episode in the season this year where the character Lexi says to the character George O'Malley "And you...you delivered a BABY today".
Reply:Just go on with your forte or inclination in life. As you go on and allow yourself be trained in the medical field you chose, you'll learn to handle more your emotions - knowing than every work must be done objectively as long as you are doing the right thing which is sustaining life.
Reply:Let's start with what you have. It's good (only one or two grammatical errors that you can take care of later), but I would change the last word from "forte" to "calling." Although forte shows some reasonably impressive vocabulary, it does not correctly elaborate the previous sentence. You want a word that parallels "what I wanted to do with my life."
As for the rest of it, describe what kind of medicine you want to go into and how exactly Mr. Johnson's class made you realize that you wanted to do it.
Reply:Think of more events where you can personalise. However stay within the medical theme as in how you had derived a sense of happiness being of help to people and how the events further motivated you in you daily activities. It should be people oriented stuffs afterall being a doctor is like trying to improve the lives of your patients?
As I stood there with the needle clenched between my fingers and my hands nervously shaking, I could barely comprehend what I was about to do. This was a real live person that I was about to perform on. I was so petrified that I was going to hurt her. Quickly, I pierced her skin with the needle and delved deep for a vein. Finally, a sense of relief overcame my body when the tube began to fill with blood.
Hitting that vein and filling that tube of blood was just the tip of the iceberg. I knew from the moment that I stepped foot into Mr. Johnson’s third period Laboratory Assistant class, that I had found out just what I wanted to do with my life. I knew the medical field was definitely my forte.
I am not exactly sure where to go from here. Can someone please give me some ideas? Thanks!!
College Admissions Essay?
Should really come from you, I understand writer's block and needing advice to get your thoughts flowing though. You can continue with something like, "Many of my friends have no idea what they want to do, they intend to use their first two years in college trying to figure it out before they are forced to choose a major, but I know without a doubt at this moment in my life that nursing is my destiny." By the way, you may be having a writer's block because, you're not really sure if this is what you want to do! Or whether or not you're really wanting to goto college or whether or not it's sort of being forced on you! There is so much pressure to impress and not be yourself that I don't blame you for writing essays in which you feel you are thinking about everything you say in detail rather than actually expressing yourself and your emotions. I know that I am recently interested in the field of medicine and I would say something like, "I look around me and I see what other people do for a living. I think back to my days in television, education, and culinary service. It's like none of it really meant anything. The decision to become a nurse just FEELS right. It feels like me, it feels like a good decision, and it's something I know I am capable of if I just work hard enough. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to work on my BSN degree in nursing at your college (or university). Anyway, I don't know whether you watch Grey's Anatomy or not but I like the theme you have going here, it reminds me of the first episode in the season this year where the character Lexi says to the character George O'Malley "And you...you delivered a BABY today".
Reply:Just go on with your forte or inclination in life. As you go on and allow yourself be trained in the medical field you chose, you'll learn to handle more your emotions - knowing than every work must be done objectively as long as you are doing the right thing which is sustaining life.
Reply:Let's start with what you have. It's good (only one or two grammatical errors that you can take care of later), but I would change the last word from "forte" to "calling." Although forte shows some reasonably impressive vocabulary, it does not correctly elaborate the previous sentence. You want a word that parallels "what I wanted to do with my life."
As for the rest of it, describe what kind of medicine you want to go into and how exactly Mr. Johnson's class made you realize that you wanted to do it.
Reply:Think of more events where you can personalise. However stay within the medical theme as in how you had derived a sense of happiness being of help to people and how the events further motivated you in you daily activities. It should be people oriented stuffs afterall being a doctor is like trying to improve the lives of your patients?
I have had these sore red spots on my breasts for about 8 weeks now,?
they keep dissapearing for about a day then reappear with their new best friend.. Mr Bigger spot... anyway, ive tried witch hazel, toothpaste, sudocreme, vaseline, savlon, baby oil and fucidin cream from my doc.. any advice.. apart from chopping off 6 inches of skin and letting it grow back.
I have had these sore red spots on my breasts for about 8 weeks now,?
you should check them out with your doctor..it could be a little more serios then just spots i.e cancer..other then that make sure your body remains hydrated..drinks loads of water 8-12 glasses everyday...or jus try using BIO OIL.u could get it in any drug store..boots,superdrud..which ever u prefer.its a really good product which would get rid of the spots...oh yes fruits like watermelon,oranges and apples are good as well..
Reply:I think you should go see a doctor. It may be somethng more serious than you think. And just to be safe i think you should check your breasts for any lumps or bumps. In the shower because the water lets you hand run smoothly. If there are any bumps of some sort i really think you should go to the hospital. it can be breast cancer. But if not than it may just ba an allergy.
good luck
Reply:send me a picture of them and i will let you know
Reply:i'm not an expert but i could come round and have a look at them for you
Reply:We'd have to see them to give a proper diagnosis I'm afraid
Reply:google... IBS its a fast growing cancer that doesn't have lumps
Reply:I would suggest getting it checked with a doctor. It is not very smart to try to diagnose and treat yourself!
Reply:It sounds like maybe a staph infection. Topicals won't help. You may need oral antibiotics. Go back to your doc or get a new one.
If you are breast feeding, they could be clogged milk ducts/mastitis. Still need oral antibiotics.
Reply:This can be an allergy to some bra.. for sure...Try to find out if there is certain clothes that you are using that produce this to you..
Reply:Want me to take a look??
I have had these sore red spots on my breasts for about 8 weeks now,?
you should check them out with your doctor..it could be a little more serios then just spots i.e cancer..other then that make sure your body remains hydrated..drinks loads of water 8-12 glasses everyday...or jus try using BIO OIL.u could get it in any drug store..boots,superdrud..which ever u prefer.its a really good product which would get rid of the spots...oh yes fruits like watermelon,oranges and apples are good as well..
Reply:I think you should go see a doctor. It may be somethng more serious than you think. And just to be safe i think you should check your breasts for any lumps or bumps. In the shower because the water lets you hand run smoothly. If there are any bumps of some sort i really think you should go to the hospital. it can be breast cancer. But if not than it may just ba an allergy.
good luck
Reply:send me a picture of them and i will let you know
Reply:i'm not an expert but i could come round and have a look at them for you
Reply:We'd have to see them to give a proper diagnosis I'm afraid
Reply:google... IBS its a fast growing cancer that doesn't have lumps
Reply:I would suggest getting it checked with a doctor. It is not very smart to try to diagnose and treat yourself!
Reply:It sounds like maybe a staph infection. Topicals won't help. You may need oral antibiotics. Go back to your doc or get a new one.
If you are breast feeding, they could be clogged milk ducts/mastitis. Still need oral antibiotics.
Reply:This can be an allergy to some bra.. for sure...Try to find out if there is certain clothes that you are using that produce this to you..
Reply:Want me to take a look??
Irak : thousands of stories and no one to listen ?? mission unacomplished and very sad?
Iraq on My Mind: Thousands of Stories to Tell – And No One to Listen
By Dahr Jamail
"In violence we forget who we are" – Mary McCarthy, novelist and critic
1. Statistically Speaking
Having spent a fair amount of time in occupied Iraq, I now find living in the United States nothing short of a schizophrenic experience. Life in Iraq was traumatizing. It was impossible to be there and not be affected by apocalyptic levels of violence and suffering, unimaginable in this country.
But here's the weird thing: One long, comfortable plane ride later and you're in Disneyland, or so it feels on returning to the United States. Sometimes it seems as if I'm in a bubble here that's only moments away from popping. I find myself perpetually amazed at the heights of consumerism and the vigorous pursuit of creature comforts that are the essence of everyday life in this country – and once defined my own life as well.
Here, for most Americans, you can choose to ignore what our government is doing in Iraq. It's as simple as choosing to go to a website other than this one.
The longer the occupation of Iraq continues, the more conscious I grow of the disparity, the utter disjuncture, between our two worlds.
In January 2004, I traveled through villages and cities south of Baghdad investigating the Bechtel Corporation's performance in fulfilling contractual obligations to restore the water supply in the region. In one village outside of Najaf, I looked on in disbelief as women and children collected water from the bottom of a dirt hole. I was told that, during the daily two-hour period when the power supply was on, a broken pipe at the bottom of the hole brought in "water." This was, in fact, the primary water source for the whole village. Eight village children, I learned, had died trying to cross a nearby highway to obtain potable water from a local factory.
In Iraq things have grown exponentially worse since then. Recently, the World Health Organization announced that 70% of Iraqis do not have access to clean water and 80% "lack effective sanitation."
In the United States I step away from my desk, walk into the kitchen, turn on the tap, and watch as clear, cool water fills my glass. I drink it without once thinking about whether it contains a waterborne disease or will cause kidney stones, diarrhea, cholera, or nausea. But there's no way I can stop myself from thinking about what was – and probably still is – in that literal water hole near Najaf.
I open my pantry and then my refrigerator to make my lunch. I have enough food to last a family several days, and then I remember that there is a 21% rate of chronic malnutrition among children in Iraq, and that, according to UNICEF, about one in 10 Iraqi children under five years of age is underweight.
I have a checking account with money in it; 54% of Iraqis now live on less than $1 a day.
I can travel safely on my bicycle whenever I choose – to the grocery store or a nearby city center. Many Iraqis can travel nowhere without fear of harm. Iraq now ranks as the planet's second most unstable country, according to the 2007 Failed States Index.
These are now my two worlds, my two simultaneous realities. They inhabit the same space inside my head in desperately uncomfortable fashion. Sometimes, I almost settle back into this bubble world of ours, but then another email arrives – either directly from friends and contacts in Iraq or forwarded by friends who have spent time in Iraq – and I remember that I'm an incurably schizophrenic journalist living on some kind of borrowed time in both America and Iraq all at once.
2. Emailing
Here is a fairly typical example of the sorts of anguished letters that suddenly appear in my in-box. (With the exception of the odd comma, I've left the examples that follow just as they arrived. They reflect the stressful conditions under which they were written.) This one was sent to my friend Gerri Haynes from an Iraqi friend of hers:
Dear Gerri:
No words can describe the real terror of what's happening and being committed against the population in Baghdad and other cities: the poor people with no money to leave the country, the disabled old men and women, the wives and children of tens of thousands of detainees who can't leave when their dad is getting tortured in the Democratic Prisons, senior years students who have been caught in a situation that forces them to take their finals to finish their degrees, parents of missing young men who got out and never came back, waiting patiently for someone to knock the door and say, "I am back." There are thousands and thousands of sad stories that need to be told but nobody is there to listen.
I called my cousin in the al-Adhamiya neighborhood of Baghdad to check if they are still alive. She is in her sixties and her husband is about seventy. She burst into tears, begging me to pray to God to take their lives away soon so they don't have to go through all this agony. She told me that, with no electricity, it is impossible to go to sleep when it is 40 degrees Celsius unless they get really tired after midnight. Her husband leaves the doors open because they are afraid that the American and Iraqi troops will bomb the doors if they don't respond from first door knock during searching raids. Leaving the doors open is another terror story after the attack of the troops' vicious dogs on a ten-month old baby, tearing him apart and eating him in the same neighborhood just a few days ago. The troops let the dogs attack civilians. The dogs bite them and terrify the kids with their angry red eyes in the middle of the night. So, as you can see my dear Gerri, we don't have only one Abu Ghraib with torturing dogs, we have thousands of Abu Ghraibs all over Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.
I was speechless. I couldn't say anything to comfort her. I felt ashamed to be alive and well. I thought I should be with them, supporting them, and give them some strength even if it costs me my life. I begged her to leave Baghdad. She told me that she can't because of her pregnant daughter and her grandkids. They are all with them in the house without their dad. I am hearing the same story and worse every single day. We keep asking ourselves what did we do to the Americans to deserve all this cruelness, killing, and brutishness? How can the troops do this to poor, hopeless civilians? And why?
Can anybody answer my cousin why she and her poor family are going through this?? Can you Gerri? Because I sure can't.
In recent weeks I had been attempting to get in touch with one of my friends, a journalist in Baghdad. I'll call him Aziz for his safety. Beginning to worry when I didn't receive his usual prompt response, I sent him a second email and this is what finally came back:
Dear old friend Dahr,
I am so sorry for my late reply. It is because my area of Baghdad was closed for six days and also because I lost my cousin. He was killed by a militia. They tortured and mutilated his body. I will try to send you his picture later.
Just remember me, friend, because I feel so tired these days and I live with this mess now.
With all my respect,
Conveying my sadness, I asked him if there was anything I could possibly do to ease his suffering. As a reporter in that besieged country, he is constantly exhausted and overworked. I hesitantly suggested that perhaps he should take a little time to rest. He promptly replied:
Dahr, my old friend,
I really appreciate your condolence message. Your words affected me very much and I feel that all my friends are around me in this hard time. I live with this mess and I do need some rest time as you advise before getting back to work again. BUT, really, I have to continue working because there are just very few journalists in Iraq now, and especially in my area. I have to cover more and more everyday.
Anyway friend, everything will be ok for me. And I wish we can make some change in our world towards peace.
With my respect to you friend, Aziz
I have also been corresponding with "H," who lives in the volatile Diyala province and has been a dear friend since my first trip to Iraq. He would visit me in Baghdad, bringing with him delicious home-cooked meals from his wife, insisting always that I be the one to eat the first morsel.
A deeply religious man, his unfailing greeting, accompanied by a big hug, would always be: "You are my brother."
He was concerned about the perception that there were vast differences between Islam and Christianity. "Islam and Christianity are not so different," he would say, "In fact they have many more similarities than differences." He would often discuss this with U.S. soldiers in his city.
Yet he was no admirer of imperialism. Last summer in Syria, he and I visited the sprawling Roman ruins of Palmyra. One evening, as we stood together overlooking the vast landscape of crumbling columns and sun-bleached walls in the setting sun, he turned to me and said, "Mr. Dahr, please do not be offended by what I want to say, but it makes me happy to see these ruins and remember that empires always fall because empires are never good for most people."
After several weeks when I received no reply to repeated emails, I wrote to "M," a mutual friend, and received the following response:
Habibi [My dear friend],
It has been very long since I have written to you. I'm sorry. I was terribly busy. I have some very bad news. [H] was kidnapped by the members of al-Qaeda in Diyala 25 days ago and there is no news about him up to this moment. It's a horrible situation. One cannot feel safe in this country.
When I pressed him for more information, he wrote me the details:
[H] was kidnapped as he was trying to get home. He was coming to Baquba to visit his parents, as he does every day. His oldest daughter who was with him told him that a car carrying several men was following them from the beginning of the street leading to his parents' home. So, when he stopped to get his car in the garage, they got out of their car covering their faces and asked him to come with them for questioning. People in Diyala definitely know that such a thing means either killing or arresting for few days. You may ask why I'm sure it is al-Qaeda. That is because no other group, including the U.S. military, dominates the whole city like they do.
We are the people of the city and we know the truth. They overwhelmingly dominate the streets and are even stronger than the government. So, there is no doubt about whether this was al-Qaeda or another group. You may ask how people stay away from these very bad people. People never go in places like the central market of Baquba. For this reason, all, and I mean all, the shops are closed; some people have left Diyala, some have been killed, while most are kept in their homes.
If someone wants to go the market, this means a bad adventure. He may be at last found in the morgue. Al-Qaeda fought every group that are called resistance who work against coalition [U.S.] forces or the government (policemen or Iraqi National Guards). Nowadays, there is fighting between al-Qaeda and other [Iraqi resistance] groups like Qataib who are known here as the honest resistance in the streets. By the way, I forgot, when al-Qaeda kidnaps someone, they also take his car in order that the car shall be used by them. So, they took his car, along with him. In case he is released, he comes without his car. I will tell you more later on.
I soon slipped into the frantic routine all too familiar by now to countless Iraqis – scanning the horrible reports of daily violence in Iraq looking for the faintest clue to the whereabouts of my missing friend
3. Murderously Speaking
In McClatchy News' July 5th roundup of daily violence for Diyala, I read:
"A source in the morgue of Baquba general hospital said that the morgue received today a head of a civilian that was thrown near the iron bridge in Baquba Al Jadida neighborhood today morning.
A medical source in Al Miqdadiyah town northeast [of] Baquba city said that 2 bodies of civilians were moved to the hospital of Miqdadiyah. The source said that the first body was of a man who was killed in an IED explosion near his house in Al Mu'alimeen neighborhood in downtown Baquba city while the second body was of a man who was shot dead near his house in Al Ballor neighborhood in downtown Baquba city."
The data for Baghdad that day read:
"24 anonymous bodies were found in Baghdad today. 16 bodies were found in Karkh, the western side of Baghdad in the following neighborhoods (7 bodies in Amil, 3 bodies in Doura, 2 bodies in Ghazaliyah, 1 body in Jihad, 1 body in Amiriyah, 1 body in Khadhraa and 1 body in Mahmoudiyah). 8 bodies were found in Rusafa, the eastern side of Baghdad in the following neighborhoods (6 bodies in Sadr city, 1 body in Husseiniyah and 1 body in Sleikh.)"
What could I possibly hope to find in nameless reports like these, especially when I know that most of the Iraqi dead never make it anywhere near these reports. That is the way it has been throughout the occupation.
On July 8th, M sent me this email:
Up to this moment, I heard that one of my neighbors saw [H's] photo in the morgue but I couldn't make sure yet. Traditionally, when a body is dropped in a street and found by police, they take it to the morgue. The first thing done is to take a photo for the dead person in the computer to let the families know them. This procedure is followed because the number of bodies is tremendously big. For this people cannot see every body to check for their sons or relatives. For this, people see the photos before going to the refrigerator. I will go to the morgue tomorrow.
The next day he wrote yet again:
Today I went to the morgue. I saw horrible things there. I didn't see [H's] photo among them. Some figures cannot be easily recognized because of the blood or the face is terribly deformed. I saw also only heads; those who were slayed, it's unbelievable. Tomorrow, we will have another visit to make sure again. In your country, when somebody wants to go to the morgue, he may naturally see two or, say, three or four bodies. For us, I saw hundreds today. Every month, the municipality buries those who are not recognized by their families because of the capacity of the morgue. Imagine!
In one of H's last emails to me sent soon after his return home from Syria earlier this summer, he described driving out of Baquba one afternoon. Ominously, he wrote:
We left Baquba, which was sinking in a sea of utter chaos, worries, and instability. People there in that small town were scared of being kidnapped, killed, murdered or expelled. The entire security situation over there was deteriorating; getting to the worse.
Now, that passage might be read as his epitaph.
4. Subjectively Speaking
The morning I receive the latest news from M, I crawl back into bed and lie staring at the ceiling, wondering what will become of H's wife and young children, if he is truly dead. Barring a miracle, I assume that will turn out to be the case.
Later, I go for a walk. It's California sunny and the air is pleasantly cool on my skin. I'm aware – as I often am – that I never even consider looking over my shoulder here. I'm also aware that those I pass on my walk don't know that they aren't even considering looking over their shoulders.
The American Heritage Dictionary's second definition of schizophrenia is:
A situation or condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities: the national schizophrenia that results from carrying out an unpopular war [italics theirs].
That's what I'm experiencing – a national schizophrenia that results from our government carrying out an unpopular war. It's what I continue to experience with never lessening sharpness two years after my last trip to Iraq. The hardest thing, in the California sun with that cool breeze on my face, is to know that two realities in two grimly linked countries coexist, and most people in my own country are barely conscious of this.
In Iraq, of course, there is nothing disparate, no disjuncture, only a constant, relentless grinding and suffering, a pervasive condition of tragic hopelessness and despair with no end in sight.
Irak : thousands of stories and no one to listen ?? mission unacomplished and very sad?
Is there a QUESTION here?
IMHO you have violated Y!A guideline Don't #1.
"1. Use Yahoo! Answers as a soapbox to vent your frustrations, rant, or otherwise violate the question and answer format. If you prefer to have discussions or chat with others, please use one of Yahoo!'s other community services, such as Yahoo! Groups or Yahoo! Messenger Chat Rooms."
Reply:I am really sorry I can not answer your question.
But I would like to say thank you for your eye opening rendition of what is truly happening.
I knew most news report in the UK were mainly propaganda, but I did not know how bad it actually is: what can the ordinary person do to help?
shell flower
By Dahr Jamail
"In violence we forget who we are" – Mary McCarthy, novelist and critic
1. Statistically Speaking
Having spent a fair amount of time in occupied Iraq, I now find living in the United States nothing short of a schizophrenic experience. Life in Iraq was traumatizing. It was impossible to be there and not be affected by apocalyptic levels of violence and suffering, unimaginable in this country.
But here's the weird thing: One long, comfortable plane ride later and you're in Disneyland, or so it feels on returning to the United States. Sometimes it seems as if I'm in a bubble here that's only moments away from popping. I find myself perpetually amazed at the heights of consumerism and the vigorous pursuit of creature comforts that are the essence of everyday life in this country – and once defined my own life as well.
Here, for most Americans, you can choose to ignore what our government is doing in Iraq. It's as simple as choosing to go to a website other than this one.
The longer the occupation of Iraq continues, the more conscious I grow of the disparity, the utter disjuncture, between our two worlds.
In January 2004, I traveled through villages and cities south of Baghdad investigating the Bechtel Corporation's performance in fulfilling contractual obligations to restore the water supply in the region. In one village outside of Najaf, I looked on in disbelief as women and children collected water from the bottom of a dirt hole. I was told that, during the daily two-hour period when the power supply was on, a broken pipe at the bottom of the hole brought in "water." This was, in fact, the primary water source for the whole village. Eight village children, I learned, had died trying to cross a nearby highway to obtain potable water from a local factory.
In Iraq things have grown exponentially worse since then. Recently, the World Health Organization announced that 70% of Iraqis do not have access to clean water and 80% "lack effective sanitation."
In the United States I step away from my desk, walk into the kitchen, turn on the tap, and watch as clear, cool water fills my glass. I drink it without once thinking about whether it contains a waterborne disease or will cause kidney stones, diarrhea, cholera, or nausea. But there's no way I can stop myself from thinking about what was – and probably still is – in that literal water hole near Najaf.
I open my pantry and then my refrigerator to make my lunch. I have enough food to last a family several days, and then I remember that there is a 21% rate of chronic malnutrition among children in Iraq, and that, according to UNICEF, about one in 10 Iraqi children under five years of age is underweight.
I have a checking account with money in it; 54% of Iraqis now live on less than $1 a day.
I can travel safely on my bicycle whenever I choose – to the grocery store or a nearby city center. Many Iraqis can travel nowhere without fear of harm. Iraq now ranks as the planet's second most unstable country, according to the 2007 Failed States Index.
These are now my two worlds, my two simultaneous realities. They inhabit the same space inside my head in desperately uncomfortable fashion. Sometimes, I almost settle back into this bubble world of ours, but then another email arrives – either directly from friends and contacts in Iraq or forwarded by friends who have spent time in Iraq – and I remember that I'm an incurably schizophrenic journalist living on some kind of borrowed time in both America and Iraq all at once.
2. Emailing
Here is a fairly typical example of the sorts of anguished letters that suddenly appear in my in-box. (With the exception of the odd comma, I've left the examples that follow just as they arrived. They reflect the stressful conditions under which they were written.) This one was sent to my friend Gerri Haynes from an Iraqi friend of hers:
Dear Gerri:
No words can describe the real terror of what's happening and being committed against the population in Baghdad and other cities: the poor people with no money to leave the country, the disabled old men and women, the wives and children of tens of thousands of detainees who can't leave when their dad is getting tortured in the Democratic Prisons, senior years students who have been caught in a situation that forces them to take their finals to finish their degrees, parents of missing young men who got out and never came back, waiting patiently for someone to knock the door and say, "I am back." There are thousands and thousands of sad stories that need to be told but nobody is there to listen.
I called my cousin in the al-Adhamiya neighborhood of Baghdad to check if they are still alive. She is in her sixties and her husband is about seventy. She burst into tears, begging me to pray to God to take their lives away soon so they don't have to go through all this agony. She told me that, with no electricity, it is impossible to go to sleep when it is 40 degrees Celsius unless they get really tired after midnight. Her husband leaves the doors open because they are afraid that the American and Iraqi troops will bomb the doors if they don't respond from first door knock during searching raids. Leaving the doors open is another terror story after the attack of the troops' vicious dogs on a ten-month old baby, tearing him apart and eating him in the same neighborhood just a few days ago. The troops let the dogs attack civilians. The dogs bite them and terrify the kids with their angry red eyes in the middle of the night. So, as you can see my dear Gerri, we don't have only one Abu Ghraib with torturing dogs, we have thousands of Abu Ghraibs all over Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.
I was speechless. I couldn't say anything to comfort her. I felt ashamed to be alive and well. I thought I should be with them, supporting them, and give them some strength even if it costs me my life. I begged her to leave Baghdad. She told me that she can't because of her pregnant daughter and her grandkids. They are all with them in the house without their dad. I am hearing the same story and worse every single day. We keep asking ourselves what did we do to the Americans to deserve all this cruelness, killing, and brutishness? How can the troops do this to poor, hopeless civilians? And why?
Can anybody answer my cousin why she and her poor family are going through this?? Can you Gerri? Because I sure can't.
In recent weeks I had been attempting to get in touch with one of my friends, a journalist in Baghdad. I'll call him Aziz for his safety. Beginning to worry when I didn't receive his usual prompt response, I sent him a second email and this is what finally came back:
Dear old friend Dahr,
I am so sorry for my late reply. It is because my area of Baghdad was closed for six days and also because I lost my cousin. He was killed by a militia. They tortured and mutilated his body. I will try to send you his picture later.
Just remember me, friend, because I feel so tired these days and I live with this mess now.
With all my respect,
Conveying my sadness, I asked him if there was anything I could possibly do to ease his suffering. As a reporter in that besieged country, he is constantly exhausted and overworked. I hesitantly suggested that perhaps he should take a little time to rest. He promptly replied:
Dahr, my old friend,
I really appreciate your condolence message. Your words affected me very much and I feel that all my friends are around me in this hard time. I live with this mess and I do need some rest time as you advise before getting back to work again. BUT, really, I have to continue working because there are just very few journalists in Iraq now, and especially in my area. I have to cover more and more everyday.
Anyway friend, everything will be ok for me. And I wish we can make some change in our world towards peace.
With my respect to you friend, Aziz
I have also been corresponding with "H," who lives in the volatile Diyala province and has been a dear friend since my first trip to Iraq. He would visit me in Baghdad, bringing with him delicious home-cooked meals from his wife, insisting always that I be the one to eat the first morsel.
A deeply religious man, his unfailing greeting, accompanied by a big hug, would always be: "You are my brother."
He was concerned about the perception that there were vast differences between Islam and Christianity. "Islam and Christianity are not so different," he would say, "In fact they have many more similarities than differences." He would often discuss this with U.S. soldiers in his city.
Yet he was no admirer of imperialism. Last summer in Syria, he and I visited the sprawling Roman ruins of Palmyra. One evening, as we stood together overlooking the vast landscape of crumbling columns and sun-bleached walls in the setting sun, he turned to me and said, "Mr. Dahr, please do not be offended by what I want to say, but it makes me happy to see these ruins and remember that empires always fall because empires are never good for most people."
After several weeks when I received no reply to repeated emails, I wrote to "M," a mutual friend, and received the following response:
Habibi [My dear friend],
It has been very long since I have written to you. I'm sorry. I was terribly busy. I have some very bad news. [H] was kidnapped by the members of al-Qaeda in Diyala 25 days ago and there is no news about him up to this moment. It's a horrible situation. One cannot feel safe in this country.
When I pressed him for more information, he wrote me the details:
[H] was kidnapped as he was trying to get home. He was coming to Baquba to visit his parents, as he does every day. His oldest daughter who was with him told him that a car carrying several men was following them from the beginning of the street leading to his parents' home. So, when he stopped to get his car in the garage, they got out of their car covering their faces and asked him to come with them for questioning. People in Diyala definitely know that such a thing means either killing or arresting for few days. You may ask why I'm sure it is al-Qaeda. That is because no other group, including the U.S. military, dominates the whole city like they do.
We are the people of the city and we know the truth. They overwhelmingly dominate the streets and are even stronger than the government. So, there is no doubt about whether this was al-Qaeda or another group. You may ask how people stay away from these very bad people. People never go in places like the central market of Baquba. For this reason, all, and I mean all, the shops are closed; some people have left Diyala, some have been killed, while most are kept in their homes.
If someone wants to go the market, this means a bad adventure. He may be at last found in the morgue. Al-Qaeda fought every group that are called resistance who work against coalition [U.S.] forces or the government (policemen or Iraqi National Guards). Nowadays, there is fighting between al-Qaeda and other [Iraqi resistance] groups like Qataib who are known here as the honest resistance in the streets. By the way, I forgot, when al-Qaeda kidnaps someone, they also take his car in order that the car shall be used by them. So, they took his car, along with him. In case he is released, he comes without his car. I will tell you more later on.
I soon slipped into the frantic routine all too familiar by now to countless Iraqis – scanning the horrible reports of daily violence in Iraq looking for the faintest clue to the whereabouts of my missing friend
3. Murderously Speaking
In McClatchy News' July 5th roundup of daily violence for Diyala, I read:
"A source in the morgue of Baquba general hospital said that the morgue received today a head of a civilian that was thrown near the iron bridge in Baquba Al Jadida neighborhood today morning.
A medical source in Al Miqdadiyah town northeast [of] Baquba city said that 2 bodies of civilians were moved to the hospital of Miqdadiyah. The source said that the first body was of a man who was killed in an IED explosion near his house in Al Mu'alimeen neighborhood in downtown Baquba city while the second body was of a man who was shot dead near his house in Al Ballor neighborhood in downtown Baquba city."
The data for Baghdad that day read:
"24 anonymous bodies were found in Baghdad today. 16 bodies were found in Karkh, the western side of Baghdad in the following neighborhoods (7 bodies in Amil, 3 bodies in Doura, 2 bodies in Ghazaliyah, 1 body in Jihad, 1 body in Amiriyah, 1 body in Khadhraa and 1 body in Mahmoudiyah). 8 bodies were found in Rusafa, the eastern side of Baghdad in the following neighborhoods (6 bodies in Sadr city, 1 body in Husseiniyah and 1 body in Sleikh.)"
What could I possibly hope to find in nameless reports like these, especially when I know that most of the Iraqi dead never make it anywhere near these reports. That is the way it has been throughout the occupation.
On July 8th, M sent me this email:
Up to this moment, I heard that one of my neighbors saw [H's] photo in the morgue but I couldn't make sure yet. Traditionally, when a body is dropped in a street and found by police, they take it to the morgue. The first thing done is to take a photo for the dead person in the computer to let the families know them. This procedure is followed because the number of bodies is tremendously big. For this people cannot see every body to check for their sons or relatives. For this, people see the photos before going to the refrigerator. I will go to the morgue tomorrow.
The next day he wrote yet again:
Today I went to the morgue. I saw horrible things there. I didn't see [H's] photo among them. Some figures cannot be easily recognized because of the blood or the face is terribly deformed. I saw also only heads; those who were slayed, it's unbelievable. Tomorrow, we will have another visit to make sure again. In your country, when somebody wants to go to the morgue, he may naturally see two or, say, three or four bodies. For us, I saw hundreds today. Every month, the municipality buries those who are not recognized by their families because of the capacity of the morgue. Imagine!
In one of H's last emails to me sent soon after his return home from Syria earlier this summer, he described driving out of Baquba one afternoon. Ominously, he wrote:
We left Baquba, which was sinking in a sea of utter chaos, worries, and instability. People there in that small town were scared of being kidnapped, killed, murdered or expelled. The entire security situation over there was deteriorating; getting to the worse.
Now, that passage might be read as his epitaph.
4. Subjectively Speaking
The morning I receive the latest news from M, I crawl back into bed and lie staring at the ceiling, wondering what will become of H's wife and young children, if he is truly dead. Barring a miracle, I assume that will turn out to be the case.
Later, I go for a walk. It's California sunny and the air is pleasantly cool on my skin. I'm aware – as I often am – that I never even consider looking over my shoulder here. I'm also aware that those I pass on my walk don't know that they aren't even considering looking over their shoulders.
The American Heritage Dictionary's second definition of schizophrenia is:
A situation or condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities: the national schizophrenia that results from carrying out an unpopular war [italics theirs].
That's what I'm experiencing – a national schizophrenia that results from our government carrying out an unpopular war. It's what I continue to experience with never lessening sharpness two years after my last trip to Iraq. The hardest thing, in the California sun with that cool breeze on my face, is to know that two realities in two grimly linked countries coexist, and most people in my own country are barely conscious of this.
In Iraq, of course, there is nothing disparate, no disjuncture, only a constant, relentless grinding and suffering, a pervasive condition of tragic hopelessness and despair with no end in sight.
Irak : thousands of stories and no one to listen ?? mission unacomplished and very sad?
Is there a QUESTION here?
IMHO you have violated Y!A guideline Don't #1.
"1. Use Yahoo! Answers as a soapbox to vent your frustrations, rant, or otherwise violate the question and answer format. If you prefer to have discussions or chat with others, please use one of Yahoo!'s other community services, such as Yahoo! Groups or Yahoo! Messenger Chat Rooms."
Reply:I am really sorry I can not answer your question.
But I would like to say thank you for your eye opening rendition of what is truly happening.
I knew most news report in the UK were mainly propaganda, but I did not know how bad it actually is: what can the ordinary person do to help?
shell flower
When taking children out to a restaurant, cafe or hotel do the catering people think that kids only eat junk?
Seems all that is on offer is burgers, sausages, fish fingers or chicken nuggets and chips with baked beans offered as a veg. My two year old nephew has never eaten things like this, or packet crisps or biscuits, he eats what we eat, and snacks on fruit. As a baby he never ate meals from a jar either. He has the most wonderful skin, doesn't get coughs or colds, has had NO problem teething, and he sleeps like a dream, he's very happy too, we call him Mr giggles coz he's so happy!
When taking children out to a restaurant, cafe or hotel do the catering people think that kids only eat junk?
Its a disgrace isn't it?
I would never let a child eat one of those fat and additive laden so called kids dinners, I would always ask for a small portion of something else on the menu or just share my food.
This is how children get into appalling eating habits that lead to health problems - maybe Jamie could overhaul eating out as well as school meals?? Jamie's restuarant dinners, could catch on??
Reply:You dont get all this abroad, the kids eat what their parents eat, just smaller sizes, thats how they get into the habits of eating veg and pasta etc. Mind you, in this country the parents are eating junk too, so I suppose that argument is null and void
Reply:Its quite bad isnt it, Ive got a two year old and bless him he ends up having a sandwich when we're out he dosn't even like chicken nuggets/burgers or whatever other deep fried crap they put on kids menus, he refuses them and who can blame him?
Reply:thats so sweet a wish a was more like ur nephew, am a girl though lol but a have nice skin aswell and a eat like lots of junk food
Reply:I have noticed that i must admit although i dont have kids, my partners nephew doesnt eat crap like that either - if he comes out with us i share my meal with him usually vegetables or pasta.
Reply:They are just stereotypical, they think that because burgers and other junk are tasty that they're the only things that kids like. They try to give what will get them the most money. Good for you for feeding your child healthy food, especially in this day and age.
Say hi to Mr. Giggles for me:)
Reply:i used to work in a restaurant and agree with you totally. people could order a small portion of certain meals but they usually cost the same as full price once. there was no kiddies pasta options and in my opinion kids love pasta
Reply:you are so right, the same problem in my country
Reply:My 9 year old isn't a fan of nuggets and burgers and if we go for a pub meal he always has the pasta option followed by fruit. One pub we went to actually sent someone from the kitchen to check that the order was right because my son wanted an apple for his dessert, apparently even though it was on the kids menu, no-one had ever ordered one before !
At my sons school they've spent all year teaching them why it's good to eat healthily and he's really taken it to heart, I'm trying to make my 12 year old was more like that, if it isn't crispy coated he complains !!
Reply:That does seem to be the case I've gotten to where I eat out less with my kids and serve restaurant quality foods at home my kids have the palettes of gourmets. My daughter loves salads while my son is a meat and potatoes type but neither one really eats the burgers or nuggets they get from fast foods just the fries. When we go to a nice place I usually take them to a place that offers sides of broccoli or salads or a spaghetti plate for the kids.
Reply:Well sadly the truth about it is ... most kids only eat junk these days.
Well I think it is brilliant that your nephew is fed properly I only wish the rest of the world would follow suit and do the same.
You will have to take him to perhaps a more organic restaurant to have a meal. Coz these restaurants patronise children with all sorts of junk food.
nai nai xx
Reply:I guess when we go out to eat a restaurant, you will more than likely order something different from the food that you eat at home, because it's a treat or a special occasion, perhaps they feel that kids should be offered foods they don't eat at home?? I'm happy for you that your nephew is so good, and more than likely his diet is a big factor in his health and behaviour, but not every parent is so lucky, I had a friend who brought her child up exactly as you described and he was a total nightmare, it depends on the nature of the child as well.
Reply:I agree totally. When I was growing up there was no junk food in our house and we were frequently taken out to restaurants - part of dad's business perks - and there was none of the junk that we have in there nowadays. If you did not like something, you did not get! Some of the posher restaurants would bend over backwards when my sister's friend would eat nothing but fish fingers. They did not have them (it was a steak house) but they went out of the restaurant, bought some fish, cut it into the right shape and coated with natural breadcrumbs and sauteed. We did wonder if she would eat them because of the colour, and the waiter said that they were special fish fingers which only the Queen's children ate in their nursery. Thankfully she accepted that and ate them without any more ado.
If kids are brought up on convenience food, how are they going to learn? We were brought up natural and apart from the odd dislike, we did not suffer for it!
Reply:You are to be commended.
Unfortunately, society in the UK, and possibly the US as well, does not always take a lot of interest in food and seem to think it de rigeur to respond to advertising, which is frequently aimed at children - hence Ronald McDonald.
I have worked Front of House (waiter) in restaurants, and I am appalled at how little knowledge both parents and children seem to have about food, I'm not talking about noisettes of lamb with a celeriac and potato rosti and vichy carrots - I'm talking about steak. When I have asked a customer whether they would prefer fillet or rump, the reply frequenty is 'anything - it's all steak, innit".
European families all sit down at table, and even the six-year olds know their way around a menu. English kids do not even seem to know what to do with a knife and fork, and whinge and create tantrums if they have to eat adult food. I've seen fifteen year olds sulk because we do not serve our Aberdeen Angus burgers in a bun, and adults have sent back the chips because they are "too fat". One of these days I will lose my rag and tell the parents that the skinny matchsticks they expect are not chips, but, more correctly, pommes de terre allumettes.
I am doing some work for the Institute of Hospitality that combines my experience in catering with my qualification as a Social Scientist - I am looking at the catering industry from this dual perspective. Many writers that I have researched claim that there hase been a revolution in food knowledge in the UK, and this is partially the case - the middle classes are more knowledgeable about food, than, say, ten years ago and also dining skills, and, when I go to France, I am no longer a laughing stock because I am an English chef. There is an ever-widening gulf between the social classes, however (witness the parents who pushed pies and burgers through the school fence as these had been banned from school dinners).
You have done the right thing. Food is something to be appreciated and enjoyed, family mealtimes around a table offer a vehicle for conversation and laughter, and children can enjoy honest food as much as adults. Fast food can be eaten with enjoyment at the right time - say, on a trip to a Theme Park, but any parent who stuffs their kids with high-fat food and does not teach table knowledge and etiquette is putting their child's future at risk. Knowledge of food and etiquette is still a requirement in any job outside of social class V.
Finally, I'm not talking about the Gordon Ramsay class of cuisine - I can cook that sort of stuff if need be. What I am talking about is things like soups, stews, gratin dishes, pasta dishes, fish and fruit. If children can eat this sort of fare, then their health and social future is assured. Well done!
Reply:Yes, they do think kids eat junk food. And the parents think that if a restaurant won't cater to that, they won't even come eat, losing money for the restaurant. I know when my parents took me out, I did not order off the menu for kids. They wanted me to learn about good food. But to appease my customers I had to have a kids menu. You have no idea how many chicken strips I served over the years. I would have been happy to do smaller portions of decent stuff for kids, but they wanted the danged chicken strips!
I'm glad your nephew is growing up with an appreciation for real food.
Reply:i just order an adult meal and dont make him eat all of it, my 3 year old loves his veg
When taking children out to a restaurant, cafe or hotel do the catering people think that kids only eat junk?
Its a disgrace isn't it?
I would never let a child eat one of those fat and additive laden so called kids dinners, I would always ask for a small portion of something else on the menu or just share my food.
This is how children get into appalling eating habits that lead to health problems - maybe Jamie could overhaul eating out as well as school meals?? Jamie's restuarant dinners, could catch on??
Reply:You dont get all this abroad, the kids eat what their parents eat, just smaller sizes, thats how they get into the habits of eating veg and pasta etc. Mind you, in this country the parents are eating junk too, so I suppose that argument is null and void
Reply:Its quite bad isnt it, Ive got a two year old and bless him he ends up having a sandwich when we're out he dosn't even like chicken nuggets/burgers or whatever other deep fried crap they put on kids menus, he refuses them and who can blame him?
Reply:thats so sweet a wish a was more like ur nephew, am a girl though lol but a have nice skin aswell and a eat like lots of junk food
Reply:I have noticed that i must admit although i dont have kids, my partners nephew doesnt eat crap like that either - if he comes out with us i share my meal with him usually vegetables or pasta.
Reply:They are just stereotypical, they think that because burgers and other junk are tasty that they're the only things that kids like. They try to give what will get them the most money. Good for you for feeding your child healthy food, especially in this day and age.
Say hi to Mr. Giggles for me:)
Reply:i used to work in a restaurant and agree with you totally. people could order a small portion of certain meals but they usually cost the same as full price once. there was no kiddies pasta options and in my opinion kids love pasta
Reply:you are so right, the same problem in my country
Reply:My 9 year old isn't a fan of nuggets and burgers and if we go for a pub meal he always has the pasta option followed by fruit. One pub we went to actually sent someone from the kitchen to check that the order was right because my son wanted an apple for his dessert, apparently even though it was on the kids menu, no-one had ever ordered one before !
At my sons school they've spent all year teaching them why it's good to eat healthily and he's really taken it to heart, I'm trying to make my 12 year old was more like that, if it isn't crispy coated he complains !!
Reply:That does seem to be the case I've gotten to where I eat out less with my kids and serve restaurant quality foods at home my kids have the palettes of gourmets. My daughter loves salads while my son is a meat and potatoes type but neither one really eats the burgers or nuggets they get from fast foods just the fries. When we go to a nice place I usually take them to a place that offers sides of broccoli or salads or a spaghetti plate for the kids.
Reply:Well sadly the truth about it is ... most kids only eat junk these days.
Well I think it is brilliant that your nephew is fed properly I only wish the rest of the world would follow suit and do the same.
You will have to take him to perhaps a more organic restaurant to have a meal. Coz these restaurants patronise children with all sorts of junk food.
nai nai xx
Reply:I guess when we go out to eat a restaurant, you will more than likely order something different from the food that you eat at home, because it's a treat or a special occasion, perhaps they feel that kids should be offered foods they don't eat at home?? I'm happy for you that your nephew is so good, and more than likely his diet is a big factor in his health and behaviour, but not every parent is so lucky, I had a friend who brought her child up exactly as you described and he was a total nightmare, it depends on the nature of the child as well.
Reply:I agree totally. When I was growing up there was no junk food in our house and we were frequently taken out to restaurants - part of dad's business perks - and there was none of the junk that we have in there nowadays. If you did not like something, you did not get! Some of the posher restaurants would bend over backwards when my sister's friend would eat nothing but fish fingers. They did not have them (it was a steak house) but they went out of the restaurant, bought some fish, cut it into the right shape and coated with natural breadcrumbs and sauteed. We did wonder if she would eat them because of the colour, and the waiter said that they were special fish fingers which only the Queen's children ate in their nursery. Thankfully she accepted that and ate them without any more ado.
If kids are brought up on convenience food, how are they going to learn? We were brought up natural and apart from the odd dislike, we did not suffer for it!
Reply:You are to be commended.
Unfortunately, society in the UK, and possibly the US as well, does not always take a lot of interest in food and seem to think it de rigeur to respond to advertising, which is frequently aimed at children - hence Ronald McDonald.
I have worked Front of House (waiter) in restaurants, and I am appalled at how little knowledge both parents and children seem to have about food, I'm not talking about noisettes of lamb with a celeriac and potato rosti and vichy carrots - I'm talking about steak. When I have asked a customer whether they would prefer fillet or rump, the reply frequenty is 'anything - it's all steak, innit".
European families all sit down at table, and even the six-year olds know their way around a menu. English kids do not even seem to know what to do with a knife and fork, and whinge and create tantrums if they have to eat adult food. I've seen fifteen year olds sulk because we do not serve our Aberdeen Angus burgers in a bun, and adults have sent back the chips because they are "too fat". One of these days I will lose my rag and tell the parents that the skinny matchsticks they expect are not chips, but, more correctly, pommes de terre allumettes.
I am doing some work for the Institute of Hospitality that combines my experience in catering with my qualification as a Social Scientist - I am looking at the catering industry from this dual perspective. Many writers that I have researched claim that there hase been a revolution in food knowledge in the UK, and this is partially the case - the middle classes are more knowledgeable about food, than, say, ten years ago and also dining skills, and, when I go to France, I am no longer a laughing stock because I am an English chef. There is an ever-widening gulf between the social classes, however (witness the parents who pushed pies and burgers through the school fence as these had been banned from school dinners).
You have done the right thing. Food is something to be appreciated and enjoyed, family mealtimes around a table offer a vehicle for conversation and laughter, and children can enjoy honest food as much as adults. Fast food can be eaten with enjoyment at the right time - say, on a trip to a Theme Park, but any parent who stuffs their kids with high-fat food and does not teach table knowledge and etiquette is putting their child's future at risk. Knowledge of food and etiquette is still a requirement in any job outside of social class V.
Finally, I'm not talking about the Gordon Ramsay class of cuisine - I can cook that sort of stuff if need be. What I am talking about is things like soups, stews, gratin dishes, pasta dishes, fish and fruit. If children can eat this sort of fare, then their health and social future is assured. Well done!
Reply:Yes, they do think kids eat junk food. And the parents think that if a restaurant won't cater to that, they won't even come eat, losing money for the restaurant. I know when my parents took me out, I did not order off the menu for kids. They wanted me to learn about good food. But to appease my customers I had to have a kids menu. You have no idea how many chicken strips I served over the years. I would have been happy to do smaller portions of decent stuff for kids, but they wanted the danged chicken strips!
I'm glad your nephew is growing up with an appreciation for real food.
Reply:i just order an adult meal and dont make him eat all of it, my 3 year old loves his veg
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